LaunchDarkly offers feature management, experimentation, and continuous delivery solutions that enable development teams to control and optimize their software releases. Integrate LaunchDarkly with Superblocks to build custom internal tools to view feature flag settings alongside other data, automate updates to feature flags, and analyze experiment results.
Setting up LaunchDarkly
Create an access token
To get started you'll need a LaunchDarkly access token. To create a token:
- Log in to LaunchDarkly
- Navigate to the Account settings page
- Click into the Authorization tab
- Click Create token
- Name your token and assign a Role based on the data you want to access
- Click Save token
- Copy the token to configure your integration's connection
Learn more about LaunchDarkly API access tokens.
Add integration
Once you have an access token, you're ready to set up your Superblocks integration.
- In the web app, navigate to the Integrations page
- Click on the LaunchDarkly tile
- Name the integration
- Paste your credentials into the relevant fields
- Optionally, add more configurations to set credentials for different environments
- Click Create
LaunchDarkly connected Now you can use LaunchDarkly in any Application, Workflow, or Scheduled Job.
Use LaunchDarkly in APIs
Once your LaunchDarkly integration is created, you can start calling LaunchDarkly actions in Superblocks APIs.
LaunchDarkly actions are REST requests. To learn more about REST requests in Superblocks, see the Building REST requests guide.
Supported actions
Root resource
Get all of the resource categories the API supports. In the sandbox, click 'Try it' and enter any string in the 'Authorization' field to test this endpoint.List approval requests
Get all approval requests. ### Filtering approvals LaunchDarkly supports the `filter` query param for filtering, with the following fields: - `notifyMemberIds` filters for only approvals that are assigned to a member in the specified list. For example: `filter=notifyMemberIds anyOf ["memberId1", "memberId2"]`. - `requestorId` filters for only approvals that correspond to the ID of the member who requested the approval. For example: `filter=requestorId equals 457034721476302714390214`. - `resourceId` filters for only approvals that correspond to the the specified resource identifier. For example: `filter=resourceId equals proj/my-project:env/my-environment:flag/my-flag`. - `reviewStatus` filters for only approvals which correspond to the review status in the specified list. The possible values are `approved`, `declined`, and `pending`. For example: `filter=reviewStatus anyOf ["pending", "approved"]`. - `status` filters for only approvals which correspond to the status in the specified list. The possible values are `pending`, `scheduled`, `failed`, and `completed`. For example: `filter=status anyOf ["pending", "scheduled"]`. You can also apply multiple filters at once. For example, setting `filter=projectKey equals my-project, reviewStatus anyOf ["pending","approved"]` matches approval requests which correspond to the `my-project` project key, and a review status of either `pending` or `approved`. ### Expanding approval response LaunchDarkly supports the `expand` query param to include additional fields in the response, with the following fields: - `flag` includes the flag the approval request belongs to - `project` includes the project the approval request belongs to - `environments` includes the environments the approval request relates to For example, `expand=project,flag` includes the `project` and `flag` fields in the response.Create approval request
Create an approval request. This endpoint currently supports creating an approval request for a flag across all environments with the following instructions: - `addVariation` - `removeVariation` - `updateVariation` - `updateDefaultVariation` For details on using these instructions, read [Update feature flag](/tag/Feature-flags#operation/patchFeatureFlag). To create an approval for a flag specific to an environment, use [Create approval request for a flag](/tag/Approvals#operation/postApprovalRequestForFlag).Get approval request
Get an approval request by approval request ID. ### Expanding approval response LaunchDarkly supports the `expand` query param to include additional fields in the response, with the following fields: - `flag` includes the flag the approval request belongs to - `project` includes the project the approval request belongs to - `environments` includes the environments the approval request relates to For example, `expand=project,flag` includes the `project` and `flag` fields in the response.Delete approval request
Delete an approval request.Apply approval request
Apply an approval request that has been approved.Review approval request
Review an approval request by approving or denying changes.List audit log entries
Get a list of all audit log entries. The query parameters let you restrict the results that return by date ranges, resource specifiers, or a full-text search query. LaunchDarkly uses a resource specifier syntax to name resources or collections of resources. To learn more, read [Understanding the resource specifier syntax](https://docs.launchdarkly.com/home/members/role-resources#understanding-the-resource-specifier-syntax).Get audit log entry
Fetch a detailed audit log entry representation. The detailed representation includes several fields that are not present in the summary representation, including: - `delta`: the JSON patch body that was used in the request to update the entity - `previousVersion`: a JSON representation of the previous version of the entity - `currentVersion`: a JSON representation of the current version of the entityList extinctions
Get a list of all extinctions. LaunchDarkly creates an extinction event after you remove all code references to a flag. To learn more, read [Understanding extinction events](https://docs.launchdarkly.com/home/code/code-references#understanding-extinction-events).List repositories
Get a list of connected repositories. Optionally, you can include branch metadata with the `withBranches` query parameter. Embed references for the default branch with `ReferencesForDefaultBranch`. You can also filter the list of code references by project key and flag key.Create repository
Create a repository with the specified name.Get repository
Get a single repository by name.Update repository
Update a repository's settings. Updating repository settings uses a [JSON patch](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6902) or [JSON merge patch](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7386) representation of the desired changes. To learn more, read [Updates](/#section/Overview/Updates).Delete repository
Delete a repository with the specified name.Delete branches
Asynchronously delete a number of branches.List branches
Get a list of branches.Get branch
Get a specific branch in a repository.Upsert branch
Create a new branch if it doesn't exist, or update the branch if it already exists.Create extinction
Create a new extinction.Get links to code reference repositories for each project
Get links for all projects that have code references.Get code references statistics for flags
Get statistics about all the code references across repositories for all flags in your project that have code references in the default branch, for example, `main`. Optionally, you can include the `flagKey` query parameter to limit your request to statistics about code references for a single flag. This endpoint returns the number of references to your flag keys in your repositories, as well as a link to each repository.List flag links
Get a list of all flag links.Create flag link
Create a new flag link. Flag links let you reference external resources and associate them with your flags.Update flag link
Update a flag link. Updating a flag link uses a [JSON patch](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6902) representation of the desired changes. To learn more, read [Updates](/#section/Overview/Updates).Delete flag link
Delete a flag link by ID or key.Get flag status across environments
Get the status for a particular feature flag across environments.List feature flag statuses
Get a list of statuses for all feature flags. The status includes the last time the feature flag was requested, as well as a state, which is one of the following: - `new`: You created the flag fewer than seven days ago and it has never been requested. - `active`: LaunchDarkly is receiving requests for this flag, but there are either multiple variations configured, or it is toggled off, or there have been changes to configuration in the past seven days. - `inactive`: You created the feature flag more than seven days ago, and hasn't been requested within the past seven days. - `launched`: LaunchDarkly is receiving requests for this flag, it is toggled on, there is only one variation configured, and there have been no changes to configuration in the past seven days. To learn more, read [Flag statuses](https://docs.launchdarkly.com/home/code/flag-status).Get feature flag status
Get the status for a particular feature flag.List feature flags
Get a list of all feature flags in the given project. By default, each flag includes configurations for each environment. You can filter environments with the `env` query parameter. For example, setting `env=production` restricts the returned configurations to just your production environment. You can also filter feature flags by tag with the `tag` query parameter. > #### Recommended use > > This endpoint can return a large amount of information. We recommend using some or all of these query parameters to decrease response time and overall payload size: `limit`, `env`, `query`, and `filter=creationDate`. ### Filtering flags You can filter on certain fields using the `filter` query parameter. For example, setting `filter=query:dark-mode,tags:beta+test` matches flags with the string `dark-mode` in their key or name, ignoring case, which also have the tags `beta` and `test`. The `filter` query parameter supports the following arguments: | Filter argument | Description | Example | |-----------------------|-------------|----------------------| | `archived` | A boolean value. It filters the list to archived flags. Setting the value to `true` returns only archived flags. When this is absent, only unarchived flags are returned. | `filter=archived:true` | | `contextKindsEvaluated` | A `+`-separated list of context kind keys. It filters the list to flags which have been evaluated in the past 30 days for all of the context kinds in the list. | `filter=contextKindsEvaluated:user+application` | | `contextKindTargeted` | A string. It filters the list to flags that are targeting the given context kind key. | `filter=contextKindTargeted:user` | | `codeReferences.max` | An integer value. Use `0` to return flags that do not have code references. | `filter=codeReferences.max:0` | | `codeReferences.min` | An integer value. Use `1` to return flags that do have code references. | `filter=codeReferences.min:1` | | `creationDate` | An object with optional `before` and `after` fields whose values are Unix time in milliseconds. It filters the list to flags created in the specified range. | `filter=creationDate:{"before":1690527600000}` | | `evaluated` | An object that contains a key of `after` and a value in Unix time in milliseconds. It filters the list to all flags that have been evaluated since the time you specify, in the environment provided. This filter requires the `filterEnv` filter. | `filter=evaluation:{"after":1690527600000}` | | `filterEnv` | A string with the key of a valid environment. You must use this field for filters that are environment-specific. If there are multiple environment-specific filters, you only need to include this field once. | `filter=evaluated:{"after": 1590768455282},filterEnv:production,status:active` | | `followerId` | A valid member ID. It filters the list to flags that are being followed by this member. | `filter=followerId:12ab3c45de678910abc12345` | | `hasDataExport` | A boolean value. It filters the list to flags that are exporting data in the specified environment. This includes flags that are exporting data from Experimentation. This filter requires the `filterEnv` filter. | `filter=hasDataExport:true,filterEnv:production` | | `hasExperiment` | A boolean value. It filters the list to flags that are used in an experiment. | `filter=hasExperiment:true` | | `maintainerId` | A valid member ID. It filters the list to flags that are maintained by this member. | `filter=maintainerId:12ab3c45de678910abc12345` | | `maintainerTeamKey` | A string. It filters the list to flags that are maintained by the team with this key. | `filter=maintainerTeamKey:example-team-key` | | `query` | A string. It filters the list to flags that include the specified string in their key or name. It is not case sensitive. | `filter=query:example` | | `sdkAvailability` | A string, one of `client`, `mobile`, `anyClient`, `server`. Using `client` filters the list to flags whose client-side SDK availability is set to use the client-side ID. Using `mobile` filters to flags set to use the mobile key. Using `anyClient` filters to flags set to use either the client-side ID or the mobile key. Using `server` filters to flags set to use neither, that is, to flags only available in server-side SDKs. | `filter=sdkAvailability:client` | | `status` | A string, either `new`, `inactive`, `active`, or `launched`. It filters the list to flags with the specified status in the specified environment. This filter requires the `filterEnv` filter. | `filter=status:active,filterEnv:production` | | `tags` | A `+`-separated list of tags. It filters the list to flags that have all of the tags in the list. | `filter=tags:beta+test` | | `type` | A string, either `temporary` or `permanent`. It filters the list to flags with the specified type. | `filter=type:permanent` | The documented values for the `filter` query are prior to URL encoding. For example, the `+` in `filter=tags:beta+test` must be encoded to `%2B`. By default, this endpoint returns all flags. You can page through the list with the `limit` parameter and by following the `first`, `prev`, `next`, and `last` links in the returned `_links` field. These links will not be present if the pages they refer to don't exist. For example, the `first` and `prev` links will be missing from the response on the first page. ### Sorting flags You can sort flags based on the following fields: - `creationDate` sorts by the creation date of the flag. - `key` sorts by the key of the flag. - `maintainerId` sorts by the flag maintainer. - `name` sorts by flag name. - `tags` sorts by tags. - `targetingModifiedDate` sorts by the date that the flag's targeting rules were last modified in a given environment. It must be used with `env` parameter and it can not be combined with any other sort. If multiple `env` values are provided, it will perform sort using the first one. For example, `sort=-targetingModifiedDate&env=production&env=staging` returns results sorted by `targetingModifiedDate` for the `production` environment. - `type` sorts by flag type All fields are sorted in ascending order by default. To sort in descending order, prefix the field with a dash ( - ). For example, `sort=-name` sorts the response by flag name in descending order. ### Expanding response LaunchDarkly supports the `expand` query param to include additional fields in the response, with the following fields: - `codeReferences` includes code references for the feature flag - `evaluation` includes evaluation information within returned environments, including which context kinds the flag has been evaluated for in the past 30 days For example, `expand=evaluation` includes the `evaluation` field in the response.Create a feature flag
Create a feature flag with the given name, key, and variations.List dependent feature flags by environment
> ### Flag prerequisites is an Enterprise feature > > Flag prerequisites is available to customers on an Enterprise plan. To learn more, [read about our pricing](https://launchdarkly.com/pricing/). To upgrade your plan, [contact Sales](https://launchdarkly.com/contact-sales/). List dependent flags across all environments for the flag specified in the path parameters. A dependent flag is a flag that uses another flag as a prerequisite. To learn more, read [Flag prerequisites](https://docs.launchdarkly.com/home/flags/prerequisites).Get feature flag
Get a single feature flag by key. By default, this returns the configurations for all environments. You can filter environments with the `env` query parameter. For example, setting `env=production` restricts the returned configurations to just the `production` environment. > #### Recommended use > > This endpoint can return a large amount of information. Specifying one or multiple environments with the `env` parameter can decrease response time and overall payload size. We recommend using this parameter to return only the environments relevant to your query. ### Expanding response LaunchDarkly supports the `expand` query param to include additional fields in the response, with the following fields: - `evaluation` includes evaluation information within returned environments, including which context kinds the flag has been evaluated for in the past 30 days For example, `expand=evaluation` includes the `evaluation` field in the response.Update feature flag
Perform a partial update to a feature flag. The request body must be a valid semantic patch, JSON patch, or JSON merge patch. To learn more the different formats, read [Updates](/#section/Overview/Updates). ### Using semantic patches on a feature flag To make a semantic patch request, you must append `domain-model=launchdarkly.semanticpatch` to your `Content-Type` header. To learn more, read [Updates using semantic patch](/reference#updates-using-semantic-patch). The body of a semantic patch request for updating feature flags takes the following properties: * `comment` (string): (Optional) A description of the update. * `environmentKey` (string): (Required for some instructions only) The key of the LaunchDarkly environment. * `instructions` (array): (Required) A list of actions the update should perform. Each action in the list must be an object with a `kind` property that indicates the instruction. If the action requires parameters, you must include those parameters as additional fields in the object. The body of a single semantic patch can contain many different instructions. ### Instructions Semantic patch requests support the following `kind` instructions for updating feature flags. <details> <summary>Click to expand instructions for <strong>turning flags on and off</strong></summary> These instructions require the `environmentKey` parameter. #### turnFlagOff Sets the flag's targeting state to **Off**. Here's an example: ```json { "environmentKey": "environment-key-123abc", "instructions": [ { "kind": "turnFlagOff" } ] } ``` #### turnFlagOn Sets the flag's targeting state to **On**. Here's an example: ```json { "environmentKey": "environment-key-123abc", "instructions": [ { "kind": "turnFlagOn" } ] } ``` </details><br /> <details> <summary>Click to expand instructions for <strong>working with targeting and variations</strong></summary> These instructions require the `environmentKey` parameter. Several of the instructions for working with targeting and variations require flag rule IDs, variation IDs, or clause IDs as parameters. Each of these are returned as part of the [Get feature flag](/tag/Feature-flags#operation/getFeatureFlag) response. The flag rule ID is the `_id` field of each element in the `rules` array within each environment listed in the `environments` object. The variation ID is the `_id` field in each element of the `variations` array. The clause ID is the `_id` field of each element of the `clauses` array within the `rules` array within each environment listed in the `environments` object. #### addClauses Adds the given clauses to the rule indicated by `ruleId`. ##### Parameters - `ruleId`: ID of a rule in the flag. - `clauses`: Array of clause objects, with `contextKind` (string), `attribute` (string), `op` (string), `negate` (boolean), and `values` (array of strings, numbers, or dates) properties. The `contextKind`, `attribute`, and `values` are case sensitive. The `op` must be lower-case. Here's an example: ```json { "environmentKey": "environment-key-123abc", "instructions": [{ "kind": "addClauses", "ruleId": "a902ef4a-2faf-4eaf-88e1-ecc356708a29", "clauses": [{ "contextKind": "user", "attribute": "country", "op": "in", "negate": false, "values": ["USA", "Canada"] }] }] } ``` #### addPrerequisite Adds the flag indicated by `key` with variation `variationId` as a prerequisite to the flag in the path parameter. ##### Parameters - `key`: Flag key of the prerequisite flag. - `variationId`: ID of a variation of the prerequisite flag. Here's an example: ```json { "environmentKey": "environment-key-123abc", "instructions": [{ "kind": "addPrerequisite", "key": "example-prereq-flag-key", "variationId": "2f43f67c-3e4e-4945-a18a-26559378ca00" }] } ``` #### addRule Adds a new targeting rule to the flag. The rule may contain `clauses` and serve the variation that `variationId` indicates, or serve a percentage rollout that `rolloutWeights`, `rolloutBucketBy`, and `rolloutContextKind` indicate. If you set `beforeRuleId`, this adds the new rule before the indicated rule. Otherwise, adds the new rule to the end of the list. ##### Parameters - `clauses`: Array of clause objects, with `contextKind` (string), `attribute` (string), `op` (string), `negate` (boolean), and `values` (array of strings, numbers, or dates) properties. The `contextKind`, `attribute`, and `values` are case sensitive. The `op` must be lower-case. - `beforeRuleId`: (Optional) ID of a flag rule. - Either - `variationId`: ID of a variation of the flag. or - `rolloutWeights`: (Optional) Map of `variationId` to weight, in thousandths of a percent (0-100000). - `rolloutBucketBy`: (Optional) Context attribute available in the specified `rolloutContextKind`. - `rolloutContextKind`: (Optional) Context kind, defaults to `user` Here's an example that uses a `variationId`: ```json { "environmentKey": "environment-key-123abc", "instructions": [{ "kind": "addRule", "variationId": "2f43f67c-3e4e-4945-a18a-26559378ca00", "clauses": [{ "contextKind": "organization", "attribute": "located_in", "op": "in", "negate": false, "values": ["Sweden", "Norway"] }] }] } ``` Here's an example that uses a percentage rollout: ```json { "environmentKey": "environment-key-123abc", "instructions": [{ "kind": "addRule", "clauses": [{ "contextKind": "organization", "attribute": "located_in", "op": "in", "negate": false, "values": ["Sweden", "Norway"] }], "rolloutContextKind": "organization", "rolloutWeights": { "2f43f67c-3e4e-4945-a18a-26559378ca00": 15000, // serve 15% this variation "e5830889-1ec5-4b0c-9cc9-c48790090c43": 85000 // serve 85% this variation } }] } ``` #### addTargets Adds context keys to the individual context targets for the context kind that `contextKind` specifies and the variation that `variationId` specifies. Returns an error if this causes the flag to target the same context key in multiple variations. ##### Parameters - `values`: List of context keys. - `contextKind`: (Optional) Context kind to target, defaults to `user` - `variationId`: ID of a variation on the flag. Here's an example: ```json { "environmentKey": "environment-key-123abc", "instructions": [{ "kind": "addTargets", "values": ["context-key-123abc", "context-key-456def"], "variationId": "2f43f67c-3e4e-4945-a18a-26559378ca00" }] } ``` #### addUserTargets Adds user keys to the individual user targets for the variation that `variationId` specifies. Returns an error if this causes the flag to target the same user key in multiple variations. If you are working with contexts, use `addTargets` instead of this instruction. ##### Parameters - `values`: List of user keys. - `variationId`: ID of a variation on the flag. Here's an example: ```json { "environmentKey": "environment-key-123abc", "instructions": [{ "kind": "addUserTargets", "values": ["user-key-123abc", "user-key-456def"], "variationId": "2f43f67c-3e4e-4945-a18a-26559378ca00" }] } ``` #### addValuesToClause Adds `values` to the values of the clause that `ruleId` and `clauseId` indicate. Does not update the context kind, attribute, or operator. ##### Parameters - `ruleId`: ID of a rule in the flag. - `clauseId`: ID of a clause in that rule. - `values`: Array of strings, case sensitive. Here's an example: ```json { "environmentKey": "environment-key-123abc", "instructions": [{ "kind": "addValuesToClause", "ruleId": "a902ef4a-2faf-4eaf-88e1-ecc356708a29", "clauseId": "10a58772-3121-400f-846b-b8a04e8944ed", "values": ["beta_testers"] }] } ``` #### addVariation Adds a variation to the flag. ##### Parameters - `value`: The variation value. - `name`: (Optional) The variation name. - `description`: (Optional) A description for the variation. Here's an example: ```json { "instructions": [ { "kind": "addVariation", "value": 20, "name": "New variation" } ] } ``` #### clearTargets Removes all individual targets from the variation that `variationId` specifies. This includes both user and non-user targets. ##### Parameters - `variationId`: ID of a variation on the flag. Here's an example: ```json { "environmentKey": "environment-key-123abc", "instructions": [ { "kind": "clearTargets", "variationId": "2f43f67c-3e4e-4945-a18a-26559378ca00" } ] } ``` #### clearUserTargets Removes all individual user targets from the variation that `variationId` specifies. If you are working with contexts, use `clearTargets` instead of this instruction. ##### Parameters - `variationId`: ID of a variation on the flag. Here's an example: ```json { "environmentKey": "environment-key-123abc", "instructions": [ { "kind": "clearUserTargets", "variationId": "2f43f67c-3e4e-4945-a18a-26559378ca00" } ] } ``` #### removeClauses Removes the clauses specified by `clauseIds` from the rule indicated by `ruleId`. ##### Parameters - `ruleId`: ID of a rule in the flag. - `clauseIds`: Array of IDs of clauses in the rule. Here's an example: ```json { "environmentKey": "environment-key-123abc", "instructions": [{ "kind": "removeClauses", "ruleId": "a902ef4a-2faf-4eaf-88e1-ecc356708a29", "clauseIds": ["10a58772-3121-400f-846b-b8a04e8944ed", "36a461dc-235e-4b08-97b9-73ce9365873e"] }] } ``` #### removePrerequisite Removes the prerequisite flag indicated by `key`. Does nothing if this prerequisite does not exist. ##### Parameters - `key`: Flag key of an existing prerequisite flag. Here's an example: ```json { "environmentKey": "environment-key-123abc", "instructions": [ { "kind": "removePrerequisite", "key": "prereq-flag-key-123abc" } ] } ``` #### removeRule Removes the targeting rule specified by `ruleId`. Does nothing if the rule does not exist. ##### Parameters - `ruleId`: ID of a rule in the flag. Here's an example: ```json { "environmentKey": "environment-key-123abc", "instructions": [ { "kind": "removeRule", "ruleId": "a902ef4a-2faf-4eaf-88e1-ecc356708a29" } ] } ``` #### removeTargets Removes context keys from the individual context targets for the context kind that `contextKind` specifies and the variation that `variationId` specifies. Does nothing if the flag does not target the context keys. ##### Parameters - `values`: List of context keys. - `contextKind`: (Optional) Context kind to target, defaults to `user` - `variationId`: ID of a flag variation. Here's an example: ```json { "environmentKey": "environment-key-123abc", "instructions": [{ "kind": "removeTargets", "values": ["context-key-123abc", "context-key-456def"], "variationId": "2f43f67c-3e4e-4945-a18a-26559378ca00" }] } ``` #### removeUserTargets Removes user keys from the individual user targets for the variation that `variationId` specifies. Does nothing if the flag does not target the user keys. If you are working with contexts, use `removeTargets` instead of this instruction. ##### Parameters - `values`: List of user keys. - `variationId`: ID of a flag variation. Here's an example: ```json { "environmentKey": "environment-key-123abc", "instructions": [{ "kind": "removeUserTargets", "values": ["user-key-123abc", "user-key-456def"], "variationId": "2f43f67c-3e4e-4945-a18a-26559378ca00" }] } ``` #### removeValuesFromClause Removes `values` from the values of the clause indicated by `ruleId` and `clauseId`. Does not update the context kind, attribute, or operator. ##### Parameters - `ruleId`: ID of a rule in the flag. - `clauseId`: ID of a clause in that rule. - `values`: Array of strings, case sensitive. Here's an example: ```json { "environmentKey": "environment-key-123abc", "instructions": [{ "kind": "removeValuesFromClause", "ruleId": "a902ef4a-2faf-4eaf-88e1-ecc356708a29", "clauseId": "10a58772-3121-400f-846b-b8a04e8944ed", "values": ["beta_testers"] }] } ``` #### removeVariation Removes a variation from the flag. ##### Parameters - `variationId`: ID of a variation of the flag to remove. Here's an example: ```json { "instructions": [ { "kind": "removeVariation", "variationId": "2f43f67c-3e4e-4945-a18a-26559378ca00" } ] } ``` #### reorderRules Rearranges the rules to match the order given in `ruleIds`. Returns an error if `ruleIds` does not match the current set of rules on the flag. ##### Parameters - `ruleIds`: Array of IDs of all rules in the flag. Here's an example: ```json { "environmentKey": "environment-key-123abc", "instructions": [{ "kind": "reorderRules", "ruleIds": ["a902ef4a-2faf-4eaf-88e1-ecc356708a29", "63c238d1-835d-435e-8f21-c8d5e40b2a3d"] }] } ``` #### replacePrerequisites Removes all existing prerequisites and replaces them with the list you provide. ##### Parameters - `prerequisites`: A list of prerequisites. Each item in the list must include a flag `key` and `variationId`. Here's an example: ```json { "environmentKey": "environment-key-123abc", "instructions": [ { "kind": "replacePrerequisites", "prerequisites": [ { "key": "prereq-flag-key-123abc", "variationId": "10a58772-3121-400f-846b-b8a04e8944ed" }, { "key": "another-prereq-flag-key-456def", "variationId": "e5830889-1ec5-4b0c-9cc9-c48790090c43" } ] } ] } ``` #### replaceRules Removes all targeting rules for the flag and replaces them with the list you provide. ##### Parameters - `rules`: A list of rules. Here's an example: ```json { "environmentKey": "environment-key-123abc", "instructions": [ { "kind": "replaceRules", "rules": [ { "variationId": "2f43f67c-3e4e-4945-a18a-26559378ca00", "description": "My new rule", "clauses": [ { "contextKind": "user", "attribute": "segmentMatch", "op": "segmentMatch", "values": ["test"] } ], "trackEvents": true } ] } ] } ``` #### replaceTargets Removes all existing targeting and replaces it with the list of targets you provide. ##### Parameters - `targets`: A list of context targeting. Each item in the list includes an optional `contextKind` that defaults to `user`, a required `variationId`, and a required list of `values`. Here's an example: ```json { "environmentKey": "environment-key-123abc", "instructions": [ { "kind": "replaceTargets", "targets": [ { "contextKind": "user", "variationId": "2f43f67c-3e4e-4945-a18a-26559378ca00", "values": ["user-key-123abc"] }, { "contextKind": "device", "variationId": "e5830889-1ec5-4b0c-9cc9-c48790090c43", "values": ["device-key-456def"] } ] } ] } ``` #### replaceUserTargets Removes all existing user targeting and replaces it with the list of targets you provide. In the list of targets, you must include a target for each of the flag's variations. If you are working with contexts, use `replaceTargets` instead of this instruction. ##### Parameters - `targets`: A list of user targeting. Each item in the list must include a `variationId` and a list of `values`. Here's an example: ```json { "environmentKey": "environment-key-123abc", "instructions": [ { "kind": "replaceUserTargets", "targets": [ { "variationId": "2f43f67c-3e4e-4945-a18a-26559378ca00", "values": ["user-key-123abc", "user-key-456def"] }, { "variationId": "e5830889-1ec5-4b0c-9cc9-c48790090c43", "values": ["user-key-789ghi"] } ] } ] } ``` #### updateClause Replaces the clause indicated by `ruleId` and `clauseId` with `clause`. ##### Parameters - `ruleId`: ID of a rule in the flag. - `clauseId`: ID of a clause in that rule. - `clause`: New `clause` object, with `contextKind` (string), `attribute` (string), `op` (string), `negate` (boolean), and `values` (array of strings, numbers, or dates) properties. The `contextKind`, `attribute`, and `values` are case sensitive. The `op` must be lower-case. Here's an example: ```json { "environmentKey": "environment-key-123abc", "instructions": [{ "kind": "updateClause", "ruleId": "a902ef4a-2faf-4eaf-88e1-ecc356708a29", "clauseId": "10c7462a-2062-45ba-a8bb-dfb3de0f8af5", "clause": { "contextKind": "user", "attribute": "country", "op": "in", "negate": false, "values": ["Mexico", "Canada"] } }] } ``` #### updateDefaultVariation Updates the default on or off variation of the flag. ##### Parameters - `onVariationValue`: (Optional) The value of the variation of the new on variation. - `offVariationValue`: (Optional) The value of the variation of the new off variation Here's an example: ```json { "instructions": [ { "kind": "updateDefaultVariation", "OnVariationValue": true, "OffVariationValue": false } ] } ``` #### updateFallthroughVariationOrRollout Updates the default or "fallthrough" rule for the flag, which the flag serves when a context matches none of the targeting rules. The rule can serve either the variation that `variationId` indicates, or a percentage rollout that `rolloutWeights` and `rolloutBucketBy` indicate. ##### Parameters - `variationId`: ID of a variation of the flag. or - `rolloutWeights`: Map of `variationId` to weight, in thousandths of a percent (0-100000). - `rolloutBucketBy`: (Optional) Context attribute available in the specified `rolloutContextKind`. - `rolloutContextKind`: (Optional) Context kind, defaults to `user` Here's an example that uses a `variationId`: ```json { "environmentKey": "environment-key-123abc", "instructions": [{ "kind": "updateFallthroughVariationOrRollout", "variationId": "2f43f67c-3e4e-4945-a18a-26559378ca00" }] } ``` Here's an example that uses a percentage rollout: ```json { "environmentKey": "environment-key-123abc", "instructions": [{ "kind": "updateFallthroughVariationOrRollout", "rolloutContextKind": "user", "rolloutWeights": { "2f43f67c-3e4e-4945-a18a-26559378ca00": 15000, // serve 15% this variation "e5830889-1ec5-4b0c-9cc9-c48790090c43": 85000 // serve 85% this variation } }] } ``` #### updateOffVariation Updates the default off variation to `variationId`. The flag serves the default off variation when the flag's targeting is **Off**. ##### Parameters - `variationId`: ID of a variation of the flag. Here's an example: ```json { "environmentKey": "environment-key-123abc", "instructions": [ { "kind": "updateOffVariation", "variationId": "2f43f67c-3e4e-4945-a18a-26559378ca00" } ] } ``` #### updatePrerequisite Changes the prerequisite flag that `key` indicates to use the variation that `variationId` indicates. Returns an error if this prerequisite does not exist. ##### Parameters - `key`: Flag key of an existing prerequisite flag. - `variationId`: ID of a variation of the prerequisite flag. Here's an example: ```json { "environmentKey": "environment-key-123abc", "instructions": [{ "kind": "updatePrerequisite", "key": "example-prereq-flag-key", "variationId": "2f43f67c-3e4e-4945-a18a-26559378ca00" }] } ``` #### updateRuleDescription Updates the description of the feature flag rule. ##### Parameters - `description`: The new human-readable description for this rule. - `ruleId`: The ID of the rule. You can retrieve this by making a GET request for the flag. Here's an example: ```json { "environmentKey": "environment-key-123abc", "instructions": [{ "kind": "updateRuleDescription", "description": "New rule description", "ruleId": "a902ef4a-2faf-4eaf-88e1-ecc356708a29" }] } ``` #### updateRuleTrackEvents Updates whether or not LaunchDarkly tracks events for the feature flag associated with this rule. ##### Parameters - `ruleId`: The ID of the rule. You can retrieve this by making a GET request for the flag. - `trackEvents`: Whether or not events are tracked. Here's an example: ```json { "environmentKey": "environment-key-123abc", "instructions": [{ "kind": "updateRuleTrackEvents", "ruleId": "a902ef4a-2faf-4eaf-88e1-ecc356708a29", "trackEvents": true }] } ``` #### updateRuleVariationOrRollout Updates what `ruleId` serves when its clauses evaluate to true. The rule can serve either the variation that `variationId` indicates, or a percent rollout that `rolloutWeights` and `rolloutBucketBy` indicate. ##### Parameters - `ruleId`: ID of a rule in the flag. - `variationId`: ID of a variation of the flag. or - `rolloutWeights`: Map of `variationId` to weight, in thousandths of a percent (0-100000). - `rolloutBucketBy`: (Optional) Context attribute available in the specified `rolloutContextKind`. - `rolloutContextKind`: (Optional) Context kind, defaults to `user` Here's an example: ```json { "environmentKey": "environment-key-123abc", "instructions": [{ "kind": "updateRuleVariationOrRollout", "ruleId": "a902ef4a-2faf-4eaf-88e1-ecc356708a29", "variationId": "2f43f67c-3e4e-4945-a18a-26559378ca00" }] } ``` #### updateTrackEvents Updates whether or not LaunchDarkly tracks events for the feature flag, for all rules. ##### Parameters - `trackEvents`: Whether or not events are tracked. Here's an example: ```json { "environmentKey": "environment-key-123abc", "instructions": [ { "kind": "updateTrackEvents", "trackEvents": true } ] } ``` #### updateTrackEventsFallthrough Updates whether or not LaunchDarkly tracks events for the feature flag, for the default rule. ##### Parameters - `trackEvents`: Whether or not events are tracked. Here's an example: ```json { "environmentKey": "environment-key-123abc", "instructions": [ { "kind": "updateTrackEventsFallthrough", "trackEvents": true } ] } ``` #### updateVariation Updates a variation of the flag. ##### Parameters - `variationId`: The ID of the variation to update. - `name`: (Optional) The updated variation name. - `value`: (Optional) The updated variation value. - `description`: (Optional) The updated variation description. Here's an example: ```json { "instructions": [ { "kind": "updateVariation", "variationId": "2f43f67c-3e4e-4945-a18a-26559378ca00", "value": 20 } ] } ``` </details><br /> <details> <summary>Click to expand instructions for <strong>updating flag settings</strong></summary> These instructions do not require the `environmentKey` parameter. They make changes that apply to the flag across all environments. #### addCustomProperties Adds a new custom property to the feature flag. Custom properties are used to associate feature flags with LaunchDarkly integrations. For example, if you create an integration with an issue tracking service, you may want to associate a flag with a list of issues related to a feature's development. ##### Parameters - `key`: The custom property key. - `name`: The custom property name. - `values`: A list of the associated values for the custom property. Here's an example: ```json { "instructions": [{ "kind": "addCustomProperties", "key": "example-custom-property", "name": "Example custom property", "values": ["value1", "value2"] }] } ``` #### addTags Adds tags to the feature flag. ##### Parameters - `values`: A list of tags to add. Here's an example: ```json { "instructions": [ { "kind": "addTags", "values": ["tag1", "tag2"] } ] } ``` #### makeFlagPermanent Marks the feature flag as permanent. LaunchDarkly does not prompt you to remove permanent flags, even if one variation is rolled out to all your customers. Here's an example: ```json { "instructions": [ { "kind": "makeFlagPermanent" } ] } ``` #### makeFlagTemporary Marks the feature flag as temporary. Here's an example: ```json { "instructions": [ { "kind": "makeFlagTemporary" } ] } ``` #### removeCustomProperties Removes the associated values from a custom property. If all the associated values are removed, this instruction also removes the custom property. ##### Parameters - `key`: The custom property key. - `values`: A list of the associated values to remove from the custom property. ```json { "instructions": [{ "kind": "replaceCustomProperties", "key": "example-custom-property", "values": ["value1", "value2"] }] } ``` #### removeMaintainer Removes the flag's maintainer. To set a new maintainer, use the flag's **Settings** tab in the LaunchDarkly user interface. Here's an example: ```json { "instructions": [ { "kind": "removeMaintainer" } ] } ``` #### removeTags Removes tags from the feature flag. ##### Parameters - `values`: A list of tags to remove. Here's an example: ```json { "instructions": [ { "kind": "removeTags", "values": ["tag1", "tag2"] } ] } ``` #### replaceCustomProperties Replaces the existing associated values for a custom property with the new values. ##### Parameters - `key`: The custom property key. - `name`: The custom property name. - `values`: A list of the new associated values for the custom property. Here's an example: ```json { "instructions": [{ "kind": "replaceCustomProperties", "key": "example-custom-property", "name": "Example custom property", "values": ["value1", "value2"] }] } ``` #### turnOffClientSideAvailability Turns off client-side SDK availability for the flag. This is equivalent to unchecking the **SDKs using Mobile Key** and/or **SDKs using client-side ID** boxes for the flag. If you're using a client-side or mobile SDK, you must expose your feature flags in order for the client-side or mobile SDKs to evaluate them. ##### Parameters - `value`: Use "usingMobileKey" to turn off availability for mobile SDKs. Use "usingEnvironmentId" to turn on availability for client-side SDKs. Here's an example: ```json { "instructions": [ { "kind": "turnOffClientSideAvailability", "value": "usingMobileKey" } ] } ``` #### turnOnClientSideAvailability Turns on client-side SDK availability for the flag. This is equivalent to unchecking the **SDKs using Mobile Key** and/or **SDKs using client-side ID** boxes for the flag. If you're using a client-side or mobile SDK, you must expose your feature flags in order for the client-side or mobile SDKs to evaluate them. ##### Parameters - `value`: Use "usingMobileKey" to turn on availability for mobile SDKs. Use "usingEnvironmentId" to turn on availability for client-side SDKs. Here's an example: ```json { "instructions": [ { "kind": "turnOnClientSideAvailability", "value": "usingMobileKey" } ] } ``` #### updateDescription Updates the feature flag description. ##### Parameters - `value`: The new description. Here's an example: ```json { "instructions": [ { "kind": "updateDescription", "value": "Updated flag description" } ] } ``` #### updateMaintainerMember Updates the maintainer of the flag to an existing member and removes the existing maintainer. ##### Parameters - `value`: The ID of the member. Here's an example: ```json { "instructions": [ { "kind": "updateMaintainerMember", "value": "61e9b714fd47591727db558a" } ] } ``` #### updateMaintainerTeam Updates the maintainer of the flag to an existing team and removes the existing maintainer. ##### Parameters - `value`: The key of the team. Here's an example: ```json { "instructions": [ { "kind": "updateMaintainerTeam", "value": "example-team-key" } ] } ``` #### updateName Updates the feature flag name. ##### Parameters - `value`: The new name. Here's an example: ```json { "instructions": [ { "kind": "updateName", "value": "Updated flag name" } ] } ``` </details><br /> <details> <summary>Click to expand instructions for <strong>updating the flag lifecycle</strong></summary> These instructions do not require the `environmentKey` parameter. They make changes that apply to the flag across all environments. #### archiveFlag Archives the feature flag. This retires it from LaunchDarkly without deleting it. You cannot archive a flag that is a prerequisite of other flags. ```json { "instructions": [ { "kind": "archiveFlag" } ] } ``` #### deleteFlag Deletes the feature flag and its rules. You cannot restore a deleted flag. If this flag is requested again, the flag value defined in code will be returned for all contexts. Here's an example: ```json { "instructions": [ { "kind": "deleteFlag" } ] } ``` #### restoreFlag Restores the feature flag if it was previously archived. Here's an example: ```json { "instructions": [ { "kind": "restoreFlag" } ] } ``` </details> ### Using JSON patches on a feature flag If you do not include the header described above, you can use a [JSON patch](/reference#updates-using-json-patch) or [JSON merge patch](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7386) representation of the desired changes. When you use the update feature flag endpoint to add individual targets to a specific variation, there are two different patch documents, depending on whether there are already individual targets for the variation. If a flag variation already has individual targets, the path for the JSON patch operation is: ```json { "op": "add", "path": "/environments/devint/targets/0/values/-", "value": "TestClient10" } ``` If a flag variation does not already have individual targets, the path for the JSON patch operation is: ```json [ { "op": "add", "path": "/environments/devint/targets/-", "value": { "variation": 0, "values": ["TestClient10"] } } ] ``` ### Required approvals If a request attempts to alter a flag configuration in an environment where approvals are required for the flag, the request will fail with a 405. Changes to the flag configuration in that environment will require creating an [approval request](/tag/Approvals) or a [workflow](/tag/Workflows). ### Conflicts If a flag configuration change made through this endpoint would cause a pending scheduled change or approval request to fail, this endpoint will return a 400. You can ignore this check by adding an `ignoreConflicts` query parameter set to `true`.Delete feature flag
Delete a feature flag in all environments. Use with caution: only delete feature flags your application no longer uses.Copy feature flag
> ### Copying flag settings is an Enterprise feature > > Copying flag settings is available to customers on an Enterprise plan. To learn more, [read about our pricing](https://launchdarkly.com/pricing/). To upgrade your plan, [contact Sales](https://launchdarkly.com/contact-sales/). Copy flag settings from a source environment to a target environment. By default, this operation copies the entire flag configuration. You can use the `includedActions` or `excludedActions` to specify that only part of the flag configuration is copied. If you provide the optional `currentVersion` of a flag, this operation tests to ensure that the current flag version in the environment matches the version you've specified. The operation rejects attempts to copy flag settings if the environment's current version of the flag does not match the version you've specified. You can use this to enforce optimistic locking on copy attempts.List dependent feature flags
> ### Flag prerequisites is an Enterprise feature > > Flag prerequisites is available to customers on an Enterprise plan. To learn more, [read about our pricing](https://launchdarkly.com/pricing/). To upgrade your plan, [contact Sales](https://launchdarkly.com/contact-sales/). List dependent flags across all environments for the flag specified in the path parameters. A dependent flag is a flag that uses another flag as a prerequisite. To learn more, read [Flag prerequisites](https://docs.launchdarkly.com/home/flags/prerequisites).Get legacy experiment results (deprecated)
Get detailed experiment result data for legacy experiments.Reset experiment results
Reset all experiment results by deleting all existing data for an experiment.Get expiring context targets for feature flag
Get a list of context targets on a feature flag that are scheduled for removal.Update expiring context targets on feature flag
Schedule a context for removal from individual targeting on a feature flag. The flag must already individually target the context. You can add, update, or remove a scheduled removal date. You can only schedule a context for removal on a single variation per flag. Updating an expiring target uses the semantic patch format. To make a semantic patch request, you must append `domain-model=launchdarkly.semanticpatch` to your `Content-Type` header. To learn more, read [Updates using semantic patch](/reference#updates-using-semantic-patch). ### Instructions Semantic patch requests support the following `kind` instructions for updating expiring targets. <details> <summary>Click to expand instructions for <strong>updating expiring targets</strong></summary> #### addExpiringTarget Adds a date and time that LaunchDarkly will remove the context from the flag's individual targeting. ##### Parameters * `value`: The time, in Unix milliseconds, when LaunchDarkly should remove the context from individual targeting for this flag * `variationId`: ID of a variation on the flag * `contextKey`: The context key for the context to remove from individual targeting * `contextKind`: The kind of context represented by the `contextKey` Here's an example: ```json { "instructions": [{ "kind": "addExpiringTarget", "value": 1754006460000, "variationId": "4254742c-71ae-411f-a992-43b18a51afe0", "contextKey": "user-key-123abc", "contextKind": "user" }] } ``` #### updateExpiringTarget Updates the date and time that LaunchDarkly will remove the context from the flag's individual targeting ##### Parameters * `value`: The time, in Unix milliseconds, when LaunchDarkly should remove the context from individual targeting for this flag * `variationId`: ID of a variation on the flag * `contextKey`: The context key for the context to remove from individual targeting * `contextKind`: The kind of context represented by the `contextKey` * `version`: (Optional) The version of the expiring target to update. If included, update will fail if version doesn't match current version of the expiring target. Here's an example: ```json { "instructions": [{ "kind": "updateExpiringTarget", "value": 1754006460000, "variationId": "4254742c-71ae-411f-a992-43b18a51afe0", "contextKey": "user-key-123abc", "contextKind": "user" }] } ``` #### removeExpiringTarget Removes the scheduled removal of the context from the flag's individual targeting. The context will remain part of the flag's individual targeting until you explicitly remove it, or until you schedule another removal. ##### Parameters * `variationId`: ID of a variation on the flag * `contextKey`: The context key for the context to remove from individual targeting * `contextKind`: The kind of context represented by the `contextKey` Here's an example: ```json { "instructions": [{ "kind": "removeExpiringTarget", "variationId": "4254742c-71ae-411f-a992-43b18a51afe0", "contextKey": "user-key-123abc", "contextKind": "user" }] } ``` </details>Get expiring user targets for feature flag
> ### Contexts are now available > > After you have upgraded your LaunchDarkly SDK to use contexts instead of users, you should use [Get expiring context targets for feature flag](/tag/Feature-flags#operation/getExpiringContextTargets) instead of this endpoint. To learn more, read [Contexts](https://docs.launchdarkly.com/home/contexts). Get a list of user targets on a feature flag that are scheduled for removal.Update expiring user targets on feature flag
> ### Contexts are now available > > After you have upgraded your LaunchDarkly SDK to use contexts instead of users, you should use [Update expiring context targets on feature flag](/tag/Feature-flags#operation/patchExpiringTargets) instead of this endpoint. To learn more, read [Contexts](https://docs.launchdarkly.com/home/contexts). Schedule a target for removal from individual targeting on a feature flag. The flag must already serve a variation to specific targets based on their key. You can add, update, or remove a scheduled removal date. You can only schedule a target for removal on a single variation per flag. Updating an expiring target uses the semantic patch format. To make a semantic patch request, you must append `domain-model=launchdarkly.semanticpatch` to your `Content-Type` header. To learn more, read [Updates using semantic patch](/reference#updates-using-semantic-patch). ### Instructions Semantic patch requests support the following `kind` instructions for updating expiring user targets. <details> <summary>Click to expand instructions for <strong>updating expiring user targets</strong></summary> #### addExpireUserTargetDate Adds a date and time that LaunchDarkly will remove the user from the flag's individual targeting. ##### Parameters * `value`: The time, in Unix milliseconds, when LaunchDarkly should remove the user from individual targeting for this flag * `variationId`: ID of a variation on the flag * `userKey`: The user key for the user to remove from individual targeting #### updateExpireUserTargetDate Updates the date and time that LaunchDarkly will remove the user from the flag's individual targeting. ##### Parameters * `value`: The time, in Unix milliseconds, when LaunchDarkly should remove the user from individual targeting for this flag * `variationId`: ID of a variation on the flag * `userKey`: The user key for the user to remove from individual targeting * `version`: (Optional) The version of the expiring user target to update. If included, update will fail if version doesn't match current version of the expiring user target. #### removeExpireUserTargetDate Removes the scheduled removal of the user from the flag's individual targeting. The user will remain part of the flag's individual targeting until you explicitly remove them, or until you schedule another removal. ##### Parameters * `variationId`: ID of a variation on the flag * `userKey`: The user key for the user to remove from individual targeting </details>List flag triggers
Get a list of all flag triggers.Create flag trigger
Create a new flag trigger.Get flag trigger by ID
Get a flag trigger by ID.Update flag trigger
Update a flag trigger. Updating a flag trigger uses the semantic patch format. To make a semantic patch request, you must append `domain-model=launchdarkly.semanticpatch` to your `Content-Type` header. To learn more, read [Updates using semantic patch](/reference#updates-using-semantic-patch). ### Instructions Semantic patch requests support the following `kind` instructions for updating flag triggers. <details> <summary>Click to expand instructions for <strong>updating flag triggers</strong></summary> #### replaceTriggerActionInstructions Removes the existing trigger action and replaces it with the new instructions. ##### Parameters - `value`: An array of the new `kind`s of actions to perform when triggering. Supported flag actions are `turnFlagOn` and `turnFlagOff`. Here's an example that replaces the existing action with new instructions to turn the flag off: ```json { "instructions": [ { "kind": "replaceTriggerActionInstructions", "value": [ {"kind": "turnFlagOff"} ] } ] } ``` #### cycleTriggerUrl Generates a new URL for this trigger. You must update any clients using the trigger to use this new URL. Here's an example: ```json { "instructions": [{ "kind": "cycleTriggerUrl" }] } ``` #### disableTrigger Disables the trigger. This saves the trigger configuration, but the trigger stops running. To re-enable, use `enableTrigger`. Here's an example: ```json { "instructions": [{ "kind": "disableTrigger" }] } ``` #### enableTrigger Enables the trigger. If you previously disabled the trigger, it begins running again. Here's an example: ```json { "instructions": [{ "kind": "enableTrigger" }] } ``` </details>Delete flag trigger
Delete a flag trigger by ID.List all delivery configurations
List all delivery configurations.Get delivery configurations by environment
Get delivery configurations by environment.Create delivery configuration
Create a delivery configuration.Get delivery configuration by ID
Get delivery configuration by ID.Update delivery configuration
Update an integration delivery configuration. Updating an integration delivery configuration uses a [JSON patch](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6902) representation of the desired changes. To learn more, read [Updates](/#section/Overview/Updates).Delete delivery configuration
Delete a delivery configuration.Validate delivery configuration
Validate the saved delivery configuration, using the `validationRequest` in the integration's `manifest.json` file.List account members
Return a list of account members. By default, this returns the first 20 members. Page through this list with the `limit` parameter and by following the `first`, `prev`, `next`, and `last` links in the returned `_links` field. These links are not present if the pages they refer to don't exist. For example, the `first` and `prev` links will be missing from the response on the first page. ### Filtering members LaunchDarkly supports the following fields for filters: - `query` is a string that matches against the members' emails and names. It is not case sensitive. - `role` is a `|` separated list of roles and custom roles. It filters the list to members who have any of the roles in the list. For the purposes of this filtering, `Owner` counts as `Admin`. - `team` is a string that matches against the key of the teams the members belong to. It is not case sensitive. - `noteam` is a boolean that filters the list of members who are not on a team if true and members on a team if false. - `lastSeen` is a JSON object in one of the following formats: - `{"never": true}` - Members that have never been active, such as those who have not accepted their invitation to LaunchDarkly, or have not logged in after being provisioned via SCIM. - `{"noData": true}` - Members that have not been active since LaunchDarkly began recording last seen timestamps. - `{"before": 1608672063611}` - Members that have not been active since the provided value, which should be a timestamp in Unix epoch milliseconds. - `accessCheck` is a string that represents a specific action on a specific resource and is in the format `<ActionSpecifier>:<ResourceSpecifier>`. It filters the list to members who have the ability to perform that action on that resource. - For example, the filter `accessCheck:createApprovalRequest:proj/default:env/test:flag/alternate-page` matches members with the ability to create an approval request for the `alternate-page` flag in the `test` environment of the `default` project. - Wildcard and tag filters are not supported when filtering for access. For example, the filter `query:abc,role:admin|customrole` matches members with the string `abc` in their email or name, ignoring case, who also are either an `Owner` or `Admin` or have the custom role `customrole`. ### Sorting members LaunchDarkly supports two fields for sorting: `displayName` and `lastSeen`: - `displayName` sorts by first + last name, using the member's email if no name is set. - `lastSeen` sorts by the `_lastSeen` property. LaunchDarkly considers members that have never been seen or have no data the oldest.Invite new members
> ### Full use of this API resource is an Enterprise feature > > The ability to bulk invite members is available to customers on an Enterprise plan. If you are on a Pro plan, you can invite members individually. To learn more, [read about our pricing](https://launchdarkly.com/pricing/). To upgrade your plan, [contact Sales](https://launchdarkly.com/contact-sales/). Invite one or more new members to join an account. Each member is sent an invitation. Members with "admin" or "owner" roles may create new members, as well as anyone with a "createMember" permission for "member/\*". If a member cannot be invited, the entire request is rejected and no members are invited from that request. Each member _must_ have an `email` field and either a `role` or a `customRoles` field. If any of the fields are not populated correctly, the request is rejected with the reason specified in the "message" field of the response. Requests to create account members will not work if SCIM is enabled for the account. _No more than 50 members may be created per request._ A request may also fail because of conflicts with existing members. These conflicts are reported using the additional `code` and `invalid_emails` response fields with the following possible values for `code`: - **email_already_exists_in_account**: A member with this email address already exists in this account. - **email_taken_in_different_account**: A member with this email address exists in another account. - **duplicate_email**s: This request contains two or more members with the same email address. A request that fails for one of the above reasons returns an HTTP response code of 400 (Bad Request).Modify account members
Perform a partial update to multiple members. Updating members uses the semantic patch format. To make a semantic patch request, you must append `domain-model=launchdarkly.semanticpatch` to your `Content-Type` header. To learn more, read [Updates using semantic patch](/reference#updates-using-semantic-patch). ### Instructions Semantic patch requests support the following `kind` instructions for updating members. <details> <summary>Click to expand instructions for <strong>updating members</strong></summary> #### replaceMembersRoles Replaces the roles of the specified members. This also removes all custom roles assigned to the specified members. ##### Parameters - `value`: The new role. Must be a valid built-in role. To learn more about built-in roles, read [LaunchDarkly's built-in roles](https://docs.launchdarkly.com/home/members/built-in-roles). - `memberIDs`: List of member IDs. Here's an example: ```json { "instructions": [{ "kind": "replaceMemberRoles", "value": "reader", "memberIDs": [ "1234a56b7c89d012345e678f", "507f1f77bcf86cd799439011" ] }] } ``` #### replaceAllMembersRoles Replaces the roles of all members. This also removes all custom roles assigned to the specified members. Members that match any of the filters are **excluded** from the update. ##### Parameters - `value`: The new role. Must be a valid built-in role. To learn more about built-in roles, read [LaunchDarkly's built-in roles](https://docs.launchdarkly.com/home/members/built-in-roles). - `filterLastSeen`: (Optional) A JSON object with one of the following formats: - `{"never": true}` - Members that have never been active, such as those who have not accepted their invitation to LaunchDarkly, or have not logged in after being provisioned via SCIM. - `{"noData": true}` - Members that have not been active since LaunchDarkly began recording last seen timestamps. - `{"before": 1608672063611}` - Members that have not been active since the provided value, which should be a timestamp in Unix epoch milliseconds. - `filterQuery`: (Optional) A string that matches against the members' emails and names. It is not case sensitive. - `filterRoles`: (Optional) A `|` separated list of roles and custom roles. For the purposes of this filtering, `Owner` counts as `Admin`. - `filterTeamKey`: (Optional) A string that matches against the key of the team the members belong to. It is not case sensitive. - `ignoredMemberIDs`: (Optional) A list of member IDs. Here's an example: ```json { "instructions": [{ "kind": "replaceAllMembersRoles", "value": "reader", "filterLastSeen": { "never": true } }] } ``` #### replaceMembersCustomRoles Replaces the custom roles of the specified members. ##### Parameters - `values`: List of new custom roles. Must be a valid custom role key or ID. - `memberIDs`: List of member IDs. Here's an example: ```json { "instructions": [{ "kind": "replaceMembersCustomRoles", "values": [ "example-custom-role" ], "memberIDs": [ "1234a56b7c89d012345e678f", "507f1f77bcf86cd799439011" ] }] } ``` #### replaceAllMembersCustomRoles Replaces the custom roles of all members. Members that match any of the filters are **excluded** from the update. ##### Parameters - `values`: List of new roles. Must be a valid custom role key or ID. - `filterLastSeen`: (Optional) A JSON object with one of the following formats: - `{"never": true}` - Members that have never been active, such as those who have not accepted their invitation to LaunchDarkly, or have not logged in after being provisioned via SCIM. - `{"noData": true}` - Members that have not been active since LaunchDarkly began recording last seen timestamps. - `{"before": 1608672063611}` - Members that have not been active since the provided value, which should be a timestamp in Unix epoch milliseconds. - `filterQuery`: (Optional) A string that matches against the members' emails and names. It is not case sensitive. - `filterRoles`: (Optional) A `|` separated list of roles and custom roles. For the purposes of this filtering, `Owner` counts as `Admin`. - `filterTeamKey`: (Optional) A string that matches against the key of the team the members belong to. It is not case sensitive. - `ignoredMemberIDs`: (Optional) A list of member IDs. Here's an example: ```json { "instructions": [{ "kind": "replaceAllMembersCustomRoles", "values": [ "example-custom-role" ], "filterLastSeen": { "never": true } }] } ``` </details>Get account member
Get a single account member by member ID. `me` is a reserved value for the `id` parameter that returns the caller's member information.Modify an account member
Update a single account member. Updating a member uses a [JSON patch](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6902) representation of the desired changes. To learn more, read [Updates](/#section/Overview/Updates). To update fields in the account member object that are arrays, set the `path` to the name of the field and then append `/<array index>`. Using `/0` appends to the beginning of the array. For example, to add a new custom role to a member, use the following request body: ``` [ { "op": "add", "path": "/customRoles/0", "value": "some-role-id" } ] ``` You can update only an account member's role or custom role using a JSON patch. Members can update their own names and email addresses though the LaunchDarkly UI. When SAML SSO or SCIM is enabled for the account, account members are managed in the Identity Provider (IdP). Requests to update account members will succeed, but the IdP will override the update shortly afterwards.Delete account member
Delete a single account member by ID. Requests to delete account members will not work if SCIM is enabled for the account.Add a member to teams
Add one member to one or more teams.List metrics
Get a list of all metrics for the specified project. ### Expanding the metric list response LaunchDarkly supports expanding the "List metrics" response. By default, the expandable field is **not** included in the response. To expand the response, append the `expand` query parameter and add the following supported field: - `experimentCount` includes the number of experiments from the specific project that use the metric For example, `expand=experimentCount` includes the `experimentCount` field for each metric in the response.Create metric
Create a new metric in the specified project. The expected `POST` body differs depending on the specified `kind` property.Get metric
Get information for a single metric from the specific project. ### Expanding the metric response LaunchDarkly supports two fields for expanding the "Get metric" response. By default, these fields are **not** included in the response. To expand the response, append the `expand` query parameter and add a comma-separated list with any of the following fields: - `experiments` includes all experiments from the specific project that use the metric - `experimentCount` includes the number of experiments from the specific project that use the metric For example, `expand=experiments` includes the `experiments` field in the response.Update metric
Patch a metric by key. Updating a metric uses a [JSON patch](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6902) representation of the desired changes. To learn more, read [Updates](/#section/Overview/Updates).Delete metric
Delete a metric by key.List projects
Return a list of projects. By default, this returns the first 20 projects. Page through this list with the `limit` parameter and by following the `first`, `prev`, `next`, and `last` links in the `_links` field that returns. If those links do not appear, the pages they refer to don't exist. For example, the `first` and `prev` links will be missing from the response on the first page, because there is no previous page and you cannot return to the first page when you are already on the first page. ### Filtering projects LaunchDarkly supports two fields for filters: - `query` is a string that matches against the projects' names and keys. It is not case sensitive. - `tags` is a `+`-separated list of project tags. It filters the list of projects that have all of the tags in the list. For example, the filter `filter=query:abc,tags:tag-1+tag-2` matches projects with the string `abc` in their name or key and also are tagged with `tag-1` and `tag-2`. The filter is not case-sensitive. The documented values for `filter` query parameters are prior to URL encoding. For example, the `+` in `filter=tags:tag-1+tag-2` must be encoded to `%2B`. ### Sorting projects LaunchDarkly supports two fields for sorting: - `name` sorts by project name. - `createdOn` sorts by the creation date of the project. For example, `sort=name` sorts the response by project name in ascending order. ### Expanding the projects response LaunchDarkly supports one field for expanding the "List projects" response. By default, these fields are **not** included in the response. To expand the response, append the `expand` query parameter and add a comma-separated list with the `environments` field. `Environments` includes a paginated list of the project environments. * `environments` includes a paginated list of the project environments. For example, `expand=environments` includes the `environments` field for each project in the response.Create project
Create a new project with the given key and name. Project keys must be unique within an account.Get project
Get a single project by key. ### Expanding the project response LaunchDarkly supports one field for expanding the "Get project" response. By default, these fields are **not** included in the response. To expand the response, append the `expand` query parameter and add a comma-separated list with any of the following fields: * `environments` includes a paginated list of the project environments. For example, `expand=environments` includes the `environments` field for the project in the response.Update project
Update a project. Updating a project uses a [JSON patch](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6902) representation of the desired changes. To learn more, read [Updates](/#section/Overview/Updates).Delete project
Delete a project by key. Use this endpoint with caution. Deleting a project will delete all associated environments and feature flags. You cannot delete the last project in an account.Get context kinds
Get all context kinds for a given project.Create or update context kind
Create or update a context kind by key. Only the included fields will be updated.List environments
Return a list of environments for the specified project. By default, this returns the first 20 environments. Page through this list with the `limit` parameter and by following the `first`, `prev`, `next`, and `last` links in the `_links` field that returns. If those links do not appear, the pages they refer to don't exist. For example, the `first` and `prev` links will be missing from the response on the first page, because there is no previous page and you cannot return to the first page when you are already on the first page. ### Filtering environments LaunchDarkly supports two fields for filters: - `query` is a string that matches against the environments' names and keys. It is not case sensitive. - `tags` is a `+`-separated list of environment tags. It filters the list of environments that have all of the tags in the list. For example, the filter `filter=query:abc,tags:tag-1+tag-2` matches environments with the string `abc` in their name or key and also are tagged with `tag-1` and `tag-2`. The filter is not case-sensitive. The documented values for `filter` query parameters are prior to URL encoding. For example, the `+` in `filter=tags:tag-1+tag-2` must be encoded to `%2B`. ### Sorting environments LaunchDarkly supports two fields for sorting: - `name` sorts by environment name. - `createdOn` sorts by the creation date of the environment. For example, `sort=name` sorts the response by environment name in ascending order.Create environment
> ### Approval settings > > The `approvalSettings` key is only returned when the Flag Approvals feature is enabled. > > You cannot update approval settings when creating new environments. Update approval settings with the PATCH Environment API. Create a new environment in a specified project with a given name, key, swatch color, and default TTL.Get environment
> ### Approval settings > > The `approvalSettings` key is only returned when the Flag Approvals feature is enabled. Get an environment given a project and key.Update environment
Update an environment. Updating an environment uses a [JSON patch](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6902) representation of the desired changes. To learn more, read [Updates](/#section/Overview/Updates). To update fields in the environment object that are arrays, set the `path` to the name of the field and then append `/<array index>`. Using `/0` appends to the beginning of the array. ### Approval settings This request only returns the `approvalSettings` key if the [Flag Approvals](https://docs.launchdarkly.com/home/feature-workflows/approvals) feature is enabled. Only the `canReviewOwnRequest`, `canApplyDeclinedChanges`, `minNumApprovals`, `required` and `requiredApprovalTagsfields` are editable. If you try to patch the environment by setting both `required` and `requiredApprovalTags`, the request fails and an error appears. You can specify either required approvals for all flags in an environment or those with specific tags, but not both.Delete environment
Delete a environment by key.Get context attribute names
Get context attribute names.Get context attribute values
Get context attribute values.Search for context instances
Search for context instances. You can use either the query parameters or the request body parameters. If both are provided, there is an error. To learn more about the filter syntax, read [Filtering contexts and context instances](/tag/Contexts#filtering-contexts-and-context-instances). To learn more about context instances, read [Understanding context instances](https://docs.launchdarkly.com/home/contexts#understanding-context-instances).Get context instances
Get context instances by ID.Delete context instances
Delete context instances by ID.Search for contexts
Search for contexts. You can use either the query parameters or the request body parameters. If both are provided, there is an error. To learn more about the filter syntax, read [Filtering contexts and context instances](/tag/Contexts#filtering-contexts-and-context-instances). To learn more about contexts, read [Understanding contexts and context kinds](https://docs.launchdarkly.com/home/contexts#understanding-contexts-and-context-kinds).Update flag settings for context
Enable or disable a feature flag for a context based on its context kind and key. Omitting the `setting` attribute from the request body, or including a `setting` of `null`, erases the current setting for a context. If you previously patched the flag, and the patch included the context's data, LaunchDarkly continues to use that data. If LaunchDarkly has never encountered the combination of the context's key and kind before, it calculates the flag values based on the context kind and key.Get contexts
Get contexts based on kind and key.Get experiments
Get details about all experiments in an environment. ### Filtering experiments LaunchDarkly supports the `filter` query param for filtering, with the following fields: - `flagKey` filters for only experiments that use the flag with the given key. - `metricKey` filters for only experiments that use the metric with the given key. - `status` filters for only experiments with an iteration with the given status. An iteration can have the status `not_started`, `running` or `stopped`. For example, `filter=flagKey:my-flag,status:running,metricKey:page-load-ms` filters for experiments for the given flag key and the given metric key which have a currently running iteration. ### Expanding the experiments response LaunchDarkly supports four fields for expanding the "Get experiments" response. By default, these fields are **not** included in the response. To expand the response, append the `expand` query parameter and add a comma-separated list with any of the following fields: - `previousIterations` includes all iterations prior to the current iteration. By default only the current iteration is included in the response. - `draftIteration` includes the iteration which has not been started yet, if any. - `secondaryMetrics` includes secondary metrics. By default only the primary metric is included in the response. - `treatments` includes all treatment and parameter details. By default treatment data is not included in the response. For example, `expand=draftIteration,treatments` includes the `draftIteration` and `treatments` fields in the response. If fields that you request with the `expand` query parameter are empty, they are not included in the response.Create experiment
Create an experiment. To run this experiment, you'll need to [create an iteration](/tag/Experiments-(beta)#operation/createIteration) and then [update the experiment](/tag/Experiments-(beta)#operation/patchExperiment) with the `startIteration` instruction. To learn more, read [Creating experiments](https://docs.launchdarkly.com/home/creating-experiments).Get experiment
Get details about an experiment. ### Expanding the experiment response LaunchDarkly supports four fields for expanding the "Get experiment" response. By default, these fields are **not** included in the response. To expand the response, append the `expand` query parameter and add a comma-separated list with any of the following fields: - `previousIterations` includes all iterations prior to the current iteration. By default only the current iteration is included in the response. - `draftIteration` includes the iteration which has not been started yet, if any. - `secondaryMetrics` includes secondary metrics. By default only the primary metric is included in the response. - `treatments` includes all treatment and parameter details. By default treatment data is not included in the response. For example, `expand=draftIteration,treatments` includes the `draftIteration` and `treatments` fields in the response. If fields that you request with the `expand` query parameter are empty, they are not included in the response.Patch experiment
Update an experiment. Updating an experiment uses the semantic patch format. To make a semantic patch request, you must append `domain-model=launchdarkly.semanticpatch` to your `Content-Type` header. To learn more, read [Updates using semantic patch](/reference#updates-using-semantic-patch). ### Instructions Semantic patch requests support the following `kind` instructions for updating experiments. #### updateName Updates the experiment name. ##### Parameters - `value`: The new name. Here's an example: ```json { "instructions": [{ "kind": "updateName", "value": "Example updated experiment name" }] } ``` #### updateDescription Updates the experiment description. ##### Parameters - `value`: The new description. Here's an example: ```json { "instructions": [{ "kind": "updateDescription", "value": "Example updated description" }] } ``` #### startIteration Starts a new iteration for this experiment. You must [create a new iteration](/tag/Experiments-(beta)#operation/createIteration) before calling this instruction. An iteration may not be started until it meets the following criteria: * Its associated flag is toggled on and is not archived * Its `randomizationUnit` is set * At least one of its `treatments` has a non-zero `allocationPercent` ##### Parameters - `changeJustification`: The reason for starting a new iteration. Required when you call `startIteration` on an already running experiment, otherwise optional. Here's an example: ```json { "instructions": [{ "kind": "startIteration", "changeJustification": "It's time to start a new iteration" }] } ``` #### stopIteration Stops the current iteration for this experiment. ##### Parameters - `winningTreatmentId`: The ID of the winning treatment. Treatment IDs are returned as part of the [Get experiment](/tag/Experiments-(beta)#operation/getExperiment) response. They are the `_id` of each element in the `treatments` array. - `winningReason`: The reason for the winner Here's an example: ```json { "instructions": [{ "kind": "stopIteration", "winningTreatmentId": "3a548ec2-72ac-4e59-8518-5c24f5609ccf", "winningReason": "Example reason to stop the iteration" }] } ``` #### archiveExperiment Archives this experiment. Archived experiments are hidden by default in the LaunchDarkly user interface. You cannot start new iterations for archived experiments. Here's an example: ```json { "instructions": [{ "kind": "archiveExperiment" }] } ``` #### restoreExperiment Restores an archived experiment. After restoring an experiment, you can start new iterations for it again. Here's an example: ```json { "instructions": [{ "kind": "restoreExperiment" }] } ```Create iteration
Create an experiment iteration. Experiment iterations let you record experiments in individual blocks of time. Initially, iterations are created with a status of `not_started` and appear in the `draftIteration` field of an experiment. To start or stop an iteration, [update the experiment](/tag/Experiments-(beta)#operation/patchExperiment) with the `startIteration` or `stopIteration` instruction. To learn more, read [Starting experiment iterations](https://docs.launchdarkly.com/home/creating-experiments#starting-experiment-iterations).Get experiment results
Get results from an experiment for a particular metric.Evaluate flags for context instance
Evaluate flags for a context instance, for example, to determine the expected flag variation. **Do not use this API instead of an SDK.** The LaunchDarkly SDKs are specialized for the tasks of evaluating feature flags in your application at scale and generating analytics events based on those evaluations. This API is not designed for that use case. Any evaluations you perform with this API will not be reflected in features such as flag statuses and flag insights. Context instances evaluated by this API will not appear in the Contexts list. To learn more, read [Comparing LaunchDarkly's SDKs and REST API](https://docs.launchdarkly.com/guide/api/comparing-sdk-rest-api). ### Filtering LaunchDarkly supports the `filter` query param for filtering, with the following fields: - `query` filters for a string that matches against the flags' keys and names. It is not case sensitive. For example: `filter=query equals dark-mode`. - `tags` filters the list to flags that have all of the tags in the list. For example: `filter=tags contains ["beta","q1"]`. You can also apply multiple filters at once. For example, setting `filter=query equals dark-mode, tags contains ["beta","q1"]` matches flags which match the key or name `dark-mode` and are tagged `beta` and `q1`.Get followers of all flags in a given project and environment
Get followers of all flags in a given environment and projectList segment memberships for context instance
For a given context instance with attributes, get membership details for all segmentsGet experimentation settings
Get current experimentation settings for the given projectUpdate experimentation settings
Update experimentation settings for the given projectGet flag defaults for project
Get the flag defaults for a specific project.Create or update flag defaults for project
Create or update flag defaults for a project.Update flag default for project
Update a flag default. Updating a flag default uses a [JSON patch](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6902) or [JSON merge patch](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7386) representation of the desired changes. To learn more, read [Updates](/#section/Overview/Updates).List approval requests for a flag
Get all approval requests for a feature flag.Create approval request for a flag
Create an approval request for a feature flag.Create approval request to copy flag configurations across environments
Create an approval request to copy a feature flag's configuration across environments.Get approval request for a flag
Get a single approval request for a feature flag.Delete approval request for a flag
Delete an approval request for a feature flag.Apply approval request for a flag
Apply an approval request that has been approved.Review approval request for a flag
Review an approval request by approving or denying changes.Get followers of a flag in a project and environment
Get a list of members following a flag in a project and environmentAdd a member as a follower of a flag in a project and environment
Add a member as a follower to a flag in a project and environmentRemove a member as a follower of a flag in a project and environment
Remove a member as a follower to a flag in a project and environmentList scheduled changes
Get a list of scheduled changes that will be applied to the feature flag.Create scheduled changes workflow
Create scheduled changes for a feature flag. If the `ignoreConficts` query parameter is false and there are conflicts between these instructions and existing scheduled changes, the request will fail. If the parameter is true and there are conflicts, the request will succeed.Get a scheduled change
Get a scheduled change that will be applied to the feature flag by ID.Update scheduled changes workflow
Update a scheduled change, overriding existing instructions with the new ones. Updating a scheduled change uses the semantic patch format. To make a semantic patch request, you must append `domain-model=launchdarkly.semanticpatch` to your `Content-Type` header. To learn more, read [Updates using semantic patch](/reference#updates-using-semantic-patch). ### Instructions Semantic patch requests support the following `kind` instructions for updating scheduled changes. <details> <summary>Click to expand instructions for <strong>updating scheduled changes</strong></summary> #### deleteScheduledChange Removes the scheduled change. Here's an example: ```json { "instructions": [{ "kind": "deleteScheduledChange" }] } ``` #### replaceScheduledChangesInstructions Removes the existing scheduled changes and replaces them with the new instructions. ##### Parameters - `value`: An array of the new actions to perform when the execution date for these scheduled changes arrives. Supported scheduled actions are `turnFlagOn` and `turnFlagOff`. Here's an example that replaces the scheduled changes with new instructions to turn the flag off: ```json { "instructions": [ { "kind": "replaceScheduledChangesInstructions", "value": [ {"kind": "turnFlagOff"} ] } ] } ``` #### updateScheduledChangesExecutionDate Updates the execution date for the scheduled changes. ##### Parameters - `value`: the new execution date, in Unix milliseconds. Here's an example: ```json { "instructions": [ { "kind": "updateScheduledChangesExecutionDate", "value": 1754092860000 } ] } ``` </details>Delete scheduled changes workflow
Delete a scheduled changes workflow.Get workflows
Display workflows associated with a feature flag.Create workflow
Create a workflow for a feature flag. You can create a workflow directly, or you can apply a template to create a new workflow. ### Creating a workflow You can use the create workflow endpoint to create a workflow directly by adding a `stages` array to the request body. For each stage, define the `name`, `conditions` when the stage should be executed, and `action` that describes the stage. <details> <summary>Click to expand example</summary> _Example request body_ ```json { "name": "Progressive rollout starting in two days", "description": "Turn flag on for 10% of customers each day", "stages": [ { "name": "10% rollout on day 1", "conditions": [ { "kind": "schedule", "scheduleKind": "relative", // or "absolute" // If "scheduleKind" is "absolute", set "executionDate"; // "waitDuration" and "waitDurationUnit" will be ignored "waitDuration": 2, "waitDurationUnit": "calendarDay" }, { "kind": "ld-approval", "notifyMemberIds": [ "507f1f77bcf86cd799439011" ], "notifyTeamKeys": [ "team-key-123abc" ] } ], "action": { "instructions": [ { "kind": "turnFlagOn" }, { "kind": "updateFallthroughVariationOrRollout", "rolloutWeights": { "452f5fb5-7320-4ba3-81a1-8f4324f79d49": 90000, "fc15f6a4-05d3-4aa4-a997-446be461345d": 10000 } } ] } } ] } ``` </details> ### Creating a workflow by applying a workflow template You can also create a workflow by applying a workflow template. If you pass a valid workflow template key as the `templateKey` query parameter with the request, the API will attempt to create a new workflow with the stages defined in the workflow template with the corresponding key. #### Applicability of stages Templates are created in the context of a particular flag in a particular environment in a particular project. However, because workflows created from a template can be applied to any project, environment, and flag, some steps of the workflow may need to be updated in order to be applicable for the target resource. You can pass a `dryRun` query parameter to tell the API to return a report of which steps of the workflow template are applicable in the target project/environment/flag, and which will need to be updated. When the `dryRun` query parameter is present the response body includes a `meta` property that holds a list of parameters that could potentially be inapplicable for the target resource. Each of these parameters will include a `valid` field. You will need to update any invalid parameters in order to create the new workflow. You can do this using the `parameters` property, which overrides the workflow template parameters. #### Overriding template parameters You can use the `parameters` property in the request body to tell the API to override the specified workflow template parameters with new values that are specific to your target project/environment/flag. <details> <summary>Click to expand example</summary> _Example request body_ ```json { "name": "workflow created from my-template", "description": "description of my workflow", "parameters": [ { "_id": "62cf2bc4cadbeb7697943f3b", "path": "/clauses/0/values", "default": { "value": ["updated-segment"] } }, { "_id": "62cf2bc4cadbeb7697943f3d", "path": "/variationId", "default": { "value": "abcd1234-abcd-1234-abcd-1234abcd12" } } ] } ``` </details> If there are any steps in the template that are not applicable to the target resource, the workflow will not be created, and the `meta` property will be included in the response body detailing which parameters need to be updated.Get custom workflow
Get a specific workflow by ID.Delete workflow
Delete a workflow from a feature flag.List custom roles
Get a complete list of custom roles. Custom roles let you create flexible policies providing fine-grained access control to everything in LaunchDarkly, from feature flags to goals, environments, and teams. With custom roles, it's possible to enforce access policies that meet your exact workflow needs. Custom roles are available to customers on our enterprise plans. If you're interested in learning more about our enterprise plans, contact sales@launchdarkly.com.Create custom role
Create a new custom roleGet custom role
Get a single custom role by key or IDUpdate custom role
Update a single custom role. Updating a custom role uses a [JSON patch](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6902) or [JSON merge patch](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7386) representation of the desired changes. To learn more, read [Updates](/#section/Overview/Updates).<br/><br/>To add an element to the `policy` array, set the `path` to `/policy` and then append `/<array index>`. Using `/0` adds to the beginning of the array.Delete custom role
Delete a custom role by keyList segments
Get a list of all segments in the given project.Create segment
Create a new segment.Get segment
Get a single segment by key.Patch segment
Update a segment. The request body must be a valid semantic patch, JSON patch, or JSON merge patch. To learn more the different formats, read [Updates](/#section/Overview/Updates). ### Using semantic patches on a segment To make a semantic patch request, you must append `domain-model=launchdarkly.semanticpatch` to your `Content-Type` header. To learn more, read [Updates using semantic patch](/reference#updates-using-semantic-patch). The body of a semantic patch request for updating segments requires an `environmentKey` in addition to `instructions` and an optional `comment`. The body of the request takes the following properties: * `comment` (string): (Optional) A description of the update. * `environmentKey` (string): (Required) The key of the LaunchDarkly environment. * `instructions` (array): (Required) A list of actions the update should perform. Each action in the list must be an object with a `kind` property that indicates the instruction. If the action requires parameters, you must include those parameters as additional fields in the object. ### Instructions Semantic patch requests support the following `kind` instructions for updating segments. <details> <summary>Click to expand instructions for <strong>updating segments</strong></summary> #### addIncludedTargets Adds context keys to the individual context targets included in the segment for the specified `contextKind`. Returns an error if this causes the same context key to be both included and excluded. ##### Parameters - `contextKind`: The context kind the targets should be added to. - `values`: List of keys. Here's an example: ```json { "instructions": [{ "kind": "addIncludedTargets", "contextKind": "org", "values": [ "org-key-123abc", "org-key-456def" ] }] } ``` #### addIncludedUsers Adds user keys to the individual user targets included in the segment. Returns an error if this causes the same user key to be both included and excluded. If you are working with contexts, use `addIncludedTargets` instead of this instruction. ##### Parameters - `values`: List of user keys. Here's an example: ```json { "instructions": [{ "kind": "addIncludedUsers", "values": [ "user-key-123abc", "user-key-456def" ] }] } ``` #### addExcludedTargets Adds context keys to the individual context targets excluded in the segment for the specified `contextKind`. Returns an error if this causes the same context key to be both included and excluded. ##### Parameters - `contextKind`: The context kind the targets should be added to. - `values`: List of keys. Here's an example: ```json { "instructions": [{ "kind": "addExcludedTargets", "contextKind": "org", "values": [ "org-key-123abc", "org-key-456def" ] }] } ``` #### addExcludedUsers Adds user keys to the individual user targets excluded from the segment. Returns an error if this causes the same user key to be both included and excluded. If you are working with contexts, use `addExcludedTargets` instead of this instruction. ##### Parameters - `values`: List of user keys. Here's an example: ```json { "instructions": [{ "kind": "addExcludedUsers", "values": [ "user-key-123abc", "user-key-456def" ] }] } ``` #### removeIncludedTargets Removes context keys from the individual context targets included in the segment for the specified `contextKind`. ##### Parameters - `contextKind`: The context kind the targets should be removed from. - `values`: List of keys. Here's an example: ```json { "instructions": [{ "kind": "removeIncludedTargets", "contextKind": "org", "values": [ "org-key-123abc", "org-key-456def" ] }] } ``` #### removeIncludedUsers Removes user keys from the individual user targets included in the segment. If you are working with contexts, use `removeIncludedTargets` instead of this instruction. ##### Parameters - `values`: List of user keys. Here's an example: ```json { "instructions": [{ "kind": "removeIncludedUsers", "values": [ "user-key-123abc", "user-key-456def" ] }] } ``` #### removeExcludedTargets Removes context keys from the individual context targets excluded from the segment for the specified `contextKind`. ##### Parameters - `contextKind`: The context kind the targets should be removed from. - `values`: List of keys. Here's an example: ```json { "instructions": [{ "kind": "removeExcludedTargets", "contextKind": "org", "values": [ "org-key-123abc", "org-key-456def" ] }] } ``` #### removeExcludedUsers Removes user keys from the individual user targets excluded from the segment. If you are working with contexts, use `removeExcludedTargets` instead of this instruction. ##### Parameters - `values`: List of user keys. Here's an example: ```json { "instructions": [{ "kind": "removeExcludedUsers", "values": [ "user-key-123abc", "user-key-456def" ] }] } ``` #### updateName Updates the name of the segment. ##### Parameters - `value`: Name of the segment. Here's an example: ```json { "instructions": [{ "kind": "updateName", "value": "Updated segment name" }] } ``` </details> ## Using JSON patches on a segment If you do not include the header described above, you can use a [JSON patch](/reference#updates-using-json-patch) or [JSON merge patch](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7386) representation of the desired changes. For example, to update the description for a segment with a JSON patch, use the following request body: ```json { "patch": [ { "op": "replace", "path": "/description", "value": "new description" } ] } ``` To update fields in the segment that are arrays, set the `path` to the name of the field and then append `/<array index>`. Using `/0` adds the new entry to the beginning of the array. For example, to add a rule to a segment, use the following request body: ```json { "patch":[ { "op": "add", "path": "/rules/0", "value": { "clauses": [{ "contextKind": "user", "attribute": "email", "op": "endsWith", "values": [".edu"], "negate": false }] } } ] } ``` To add or remove targets from segments, we recommend using semantic patch. Semantic patch for segments includes specific instructions for adding and removing both included and excluded targets.Delete segment
Delete a segment.Update context targets on a Big Segment
Update context targets included or excluded in a Big Segment.Get Big Segment membership for context
Get the membership status (included/excluded) for a given context in this Big Segment. This operation does not support standard segments.Create Big Segment export
Starts a new export process for a Big SegmentGet Big Segment export
Returns info about a Big Segment export process.Create Big Segment import
Start a new import process for a Big Segment.Get Big Segment import
Returns info about a Big Segment import process.Update user context targets on a Big Segment
Update user context targets included or excluded in a Big Segment.Get Big Segment membership for user
> ### Contexts are now available > > After you have upgraded your LaunchDarkly SDK to use contexts instead of users, you should use [Get expiring targets for segment](/tag/Segments#operation/getExpiringTargetsForSegment) instead of this endpoint. To learn more, read [Contexts](https://docs.launchdarkly.com/home/contexts). Get the membership status (included/excluded) for a given user in this Big Segment. This operation does not support standard segments.Get expiring targets for segment
Get a list of a segment's context targets that are scheduled for removal.Update expiring targets for segment
Update expiring context targets for a segment. Updating a context target expiration uses the semantic patch format. To make a semantic patch request, you must append `domain-model=launchdarkly.semanticpatch` to your `Content-Type` header. To learn more, read [Updates using semantic patch](/reference#updates-using-semantic-patch). If the request is well-formed but any of its instructions failed to process, this operation returns status code `200`. In this case, the response `errors` array will be non-empty. ### Instructions Semantic patch requests support the following `kind` instructions for updating expiring context targets. <details> <summary>Click to expand instructions for <strong>updating expiring context targets</strong></summary> #### addExpiringTarget Schedules a date and time when LaunchDarkly will remove a context from segment targeting. The segment must already have the context as an individual target. ##### Parameters - `targetType`: The type of individual target for this context. Must be either `included` or `excluded`. - `contextKey`: The context key. - `contextKind`: The kind of context being targeted. - `value`: The date when the context should expire from the segment targeting, in Unix milliseconds. Here's an example: ```json { "instructions": [{ "kind": "addExpiringTarget", "targetType": "included", "contextKey": "user-key-123abc", "contextKind": "user", "value": 1754092860000 }] } ``` #### updateExpiringTarget Updates the date and time when LaunchDarkly will remove a context from segment targeting. ##### Parameters - `targetType`: The type of individual target for this context. Must be either `included` or `excluded`. - `contextKey`: The context key. - `contextKind`: The kind of context being targeted. - `value`: The new date when the context should expire from the segment targeting, in Unix milliseconds. - `version`: (Optional) The version of the expiring target to update. If included, update will fail if version doesn't match current version of the expiring target. Here's an example: ```json { "instructions": [{ "kind": "updateExpiringTarget", "targetType": "included", "contextKey": "user-key-123abc", "contextKind": "user", "value": 1754179260000 }] } ``` #### removeExpiringTarget Removes the scheduled expiration for the context in the segment. ##### Parameters - `targetType`: The type of individual target for this context. Must be either `included` or `excluded`. - `contextKey`: The context key. - `contextKind`: The kind of context being targeted. Here's an example: ```json { "instructions": [{ "kind": "removeExpiringTarget", "targetType": "included", "contextKey": "user-key-123abc", "contextKind": "user", }] } ``` </details>Get expiring user targets for segment
> ### Contexts are now available > > After you have upgraded your LaunchDarkly SDK to use contexts instead of users, you should use [Get expiring targets for segment](/tag/Segments#operation/getExpiringTargetsForSegment) instead of this endpoint. To learn more, read [Contexts](https://docs.launchdarkly.com/home/contexts). Get a list of a segment's user targets that are scheduled for removal.Update expiring user targets for segment
> ### Contexts are now available > > After you have upgraded your LaunchDarkly SDK to use contexts instead of users, you should use [Update expiring targets for segment](/tag/Segments#operation/patchExpiringTargetsForSegment) instead of this endpoint. To learn more, read [Contexts](https://docs.launchdarkly.com/home/contexts). Update expiring user targets for a segment. Updating a user target expiration uses the semantic patch format. To make a semantic patch request, you must append `domain-model=launchdarkly.semanticpatch` to your `Content-Type` header. To learn more, read [Updates using semantic patch](/reference#updates-using-semantic-patch). If the request is well-formed but any of its instructions failed to process, this operation returns status code `200`. In this case, the response `errors` array will be non-empty. ### Instructions Semantic patch requests support the following `kind` instructions for updating expiring user targets. <details> <summary>Click to expand instructions for <strong>updating expiring user targets</strong></summary> #### addExpireUserTargetDate Schedules a date and time when LaunchDarkly will remove a user from segment targeting. ##### Parameters - `targetType`: A segment's target type, must be either `included` or `excluded`. - `userKey`: The user key. - `value`: The date when the user should expire from the segment targeting, in Unix milliseconds. #### updateExpireUserTargetDate Updates the date and time when LaunchDarkly will remove a user from segment targeting. ##### Parameters - `targetType`: A segment's target type, must be either `included` or `excluded`. - `userKey`: The user key. - `value`: The new date when the user should expire from the segment targeting, in Unix milliseconds. - `version`: The segment version. #### removeExpireUserTargetDate Removes the scheduled expiration for the user in the segment. ##### Parameters - `targetType`: A segment's target type, must be either `included` or `excluded`. - `userKey`: The user key. </details>List tags
Get a list of tags.List teams
Return a list of teams. By default, this returns the first 20 teams. Page through this list with the `limit` parameter and by following the `first`, `prev`, `next`, and `last` links in the `_links` field that returns. If those links do not appear, the pages they refer to don't exist. For example, the `first` and `prev` links will be missing from the response on the first page, because there is no previous page and you cannot return to the first page when you are already on the first page. ### Filtering teams LaunchDarkly supports the following fields for filters: - `query` is a string that matches against the teams' names and keys. It is not case-sensitive. - A request with `query:abc` returns teams with the string `abc` in their name or key. - `nomembers` is a boolean that filters the list of teams who have 0 members - A request with `nomembers:true` returns teams that have 0 members - A request with `nomembers:false` returns teams that have 1 or more members ### Expanding the teams response LaunchDarkly supports four fields for expanding the "List teams" response. By default, these fields are **not** included in the response. To expand the response, append the `expand` query parameter and add a comma-separated list with any of the following fields: * `members` includes the total count of members that belong to the team. * `roles` includes a paginated list of the custom roles that you have assigned to the team. * `projects` includes a paginated list of the projects that the team has any write access to. * `maintainers` includes a paginated list of the maintainers that you have assigned to the team. For example, `expand=members,roles` includes the `members` and `roles` fields in the response.Create team
Create a team. To learn more, read [Creating a team](https://docs.launchdarkly.com/home/teams/creating). ### Expanding the teams response LaunchDarkly supports four fields for expanding the "Create team" response. By default, these fields are **not** included in the response. To expand the response, append the `expand` query parameter and add a comma-separated list with any of the following fields: * `members` includes the total count of members that belong to the team. * `roles` includes a paginated list of the custom roles that you have assigned to the team. * `projects` includes a paginated list of the projects that the team has any write access to. * `maintainers` includes a paginated list of the maintainers that you have assigned to the team. For example, `expand=members,roles` includes the `members` and `roles` fields in the response.Update teams
Perform a partial update to multiple teams. Updating teams uses the semantic patch format. To make a semantic patch request, you must append `domain-model=launchdarkly.semanticpatch` to your `Content-Type` header. To learn more, read [Updates using semantic patch](/reference#updates-using-semantic-patch). ### Instructions Semantic patch requests support the following `kind` instructions for updating teams. <details> <summary>Click to expand instructions for <strong>updating teams</strong></summary> #### addMembersToTeams Add the members to teams. ##### Parameters - `memberIDs`: List of member IDs to add. - `teamKeys`: List of teams to update. Here's an example: ```json { "instructions": [{ "kind": "addMembersToTeams", "memberIDs": [ "1234a56b7c89d012345e678f" ], "teamKeys": [ "example-team-1", "example-team-2" ] }] } ``` #### addAllMembersToTeams Add all members to the team. Members that match any of the filters are **excluded** from the update. ##### Parameters - `teamKeys`: List of teams to update. - `filterLastSeen`: (Optional) A JSON object with one of the following formats: - `{"never": true}` - Members that have never been active, such as those who have not accepted their invitation to LaunchDarkly, or have not logged in after being provisioned via SCIM. - `{"noData": true}` - Members that have not been active since LaunchDarkly began recording last seen timestamps. - `{"before": 1608672063611}` - Members that have not been active since the provided value, which should be a timestamp in Unix epoch milliseconds. - `filterQuery`: (Optional) A string that matches against the members' emails and names. It is not case sensitive. - `filterRoles`: (Optional) A `|` separated list of roles and custom roles. For the purposes of this filtering, `Owner` counts as `Admin`. - `filterTeamKey`: (Optional) A string that matches against the key of the team the members belong to. It is not case sensitive. - `ignoredMemberIDs`: (Optional) A list of member IDs. Here's an example: ```json { "instructions": [{ "kind": "addAllMembersToTeams", "teamKeys": [ "example-team-1", "example-team-2" ], "filterLastSeen": { "never": true } }] } ``` </details>Get team
Fetch a team by key. ### Expanding the teams response LaunchDarkly supports four fields for expanding the "Get team" response. By default, these fields are **not** included in the response. To expand the response, append the `expand` query parameter and add a comma-separated list with any of the following fields: * `members` includes the total count of members that belong to the team. * `roles` includes a paginated list of the custom roles that you have assigned to the team. * `projects` includes a paginated list of the projects that the team has any write access to. * `maintainers` includes a paginated list of the maintainers that you have assigned to the team. For example, `expand=members,roles` includes the `members` and `roles` fields in the response.Update team
Perform a partial update to a team. Updating a team uses the semantic patch format. To make a semantic patch request, you must append `domain-model=launchdarkly.semanticpatch` to your `Content-Type` header. To learn more, read [Updates using semantic patch](/reference#updates-using-semantic-patch). ### Instructions Semantic patch requests support the following `kind` instructions for updating teams. <details> <summary>Click to expand instructions for <strong>updating teams</strong></summary> #### addCustomRoles Adds custom roles to the team. Team members will have these custom roles granted to them. ##### Parameters - `values`: List of custom role keys. Here's an example: ```json { "instructions": [{ "kind": "addCustomRoles", "values": [ "example-custom-role" ] }] } ``` #### removeCustomRoles Removes custom roles from the team. The app will no longer grant these custom roles to the team members. ##### Parameters - `values`: List of custom role keys. Here's an example: ```json { "instructions": [{ "kind": "removeCustomRoles", "values": [ "example-custom-role" ] }] } ``` #### addMembers Adds members to the team. ##### Parameters - `values`: List of member IDs to add. Here's an example: ```json { "instructions": [{ "kind": "addMembers", "values": [ "1234a56b7c89d012345e678f", "507f1f77bcf86cd799439011" ] }] } ``` #### removeMembers Removes members from the team. ##### Parameters - `values`: List of member IDs to remove. Here's an example: ```json { "instructions": [{ "kind": "removeMembers", "values": [ "1234a56b7c89d012345e678f", "507f1f77bcf86cd799439011" ] }] } ``` #### replaceMembers Replaces the existing members of the team with the new members. ##### Parameters - `values`: List of member IDs of the new members. Here's an example: ```json { "instructions": [{ "kind": "replaceMembers", "values": [ "1234a56b7c89d012345e678f", "507f1f77bcf86cd799439011" ] }] } ``` #### addPermissionGrants Adds permission grants to members for the team. For example, a permission grant could allow a member to act as a team maintainer. A permission grant may have either an `actionSet` or a list of `actions` but not both at the same time. The members do not have to be team members to have a permission grant for the team. ##### Parameters - `actionSet`: Name of the action set. - `actions`: List of actions. - `memberIDs`: List of member IDs. Here's an example: ```json { "instructions": [{ "kind": "addPermissionGrants", "actions": [ "updateTeamName", "updateTeamDescription" ], "memberIDs": [ "1234a56b7c89d012345e678f", "507f1f77bcf86cd799439011" ] }] } ``` #### removePermissionGrants Removes permission grants from members for the team. A permission grant may have either an `actionSet` or a list of `actions` but not both at the same time. The `actionSet` and `actions` must match an existing permission grant. ##### Parameters - `actionSet`: Name of the action set. - `actions`: List of actions. - `memberIDs`: List of member IDs. Here's an example: ```json { "instructions": [{ "kind": "removePermissionGrants", "actions": [ "updateTeamName", "updateTeamDescription" ], "memberIDs": [ "1234a56b7c89d012345e678f", "507f1f77bcf86cd799439011" ] }] } ``` #### updateDescription Updates the description of the team. ##### Parameters - `value`: The new description. Here's an example: ```json { "instructions": [{ "kind": "updateDescription", "value": "Updated team description" }] } ``` #### updateName Updates the name of the team. ##### Parameters - `value`: The new name. Here's an example: ```json { "instructions": [{ "kind": "updateName", "value": "Updated team name" }] } ``` </details> ### Expanding the teams response LaunchDarkly supports four fields for expanding the "Update team" response. By default, these fields are **not** included in the response. To expand the response, append the `expand` query parameter and add a comma-separated list with any of the following fields: * `members` includes the total count of members that belong to the team. * `roles` includes a paginated list of the custom roles that you have assigned to the team. * `projects` includes a paginated list of the projects that the team has any write access to. * `maintainers` includes a paginated list of the maintainers that you have assigned to the team. For example, `expand=members,roles` includes the `members` and `roles` fields in the response.Delete team
Delete a team by key. To learn more, read [Deleting a team](https://docs.launchdarkly.com/home/teams/managing#deleting-a-team).Get team maintainers
Fetch the maintainers that have been assigned to the team. To learn more, read [Managing team maintainers](https://docs.launchdarkly.com/home/teams/managing#managing-team-maintainers).Add multiple members to team
Add multiple members to an existing team by uploading a CSV file of member email addresses. Your CSV file must include email addresses in the first column. You can include data in additional columns, but LaunchDarkly ignores all data outside the first column. Headers are optional. To learn more, read [Managing team members](https://docs.launchdarkly.com/home/teams/managing#managing-team-members). **Members are only added on a `201` response.** A `207` indicates the CSV file contains a combination of valid and invalid entries. A `207` results in no members being added to the team. On a `207` response, if an entry contains bad input, the `message` field contains the row number as well as the reason for the error. The `message` field is omitted if the entry is valid. Example `207` response: ```json { "items": [ { "status": "success", "value": "new-team-member@acme.com" }, { "message": "Line 2: empty row", "status": "error", "value": "" }, { "message": "Line 3: email already exists in the specified team", "status": "error", "value": "existing-team-member@acme.com" }, { "message": "Line 4: invalid email formatting", "status": "error", "value": "invalid email format" } ] } ``` Message | Resolution --- | --- Empty row | This line is blank. Add an email address and try again. Duplicate entry | This email address appears in the file twice. Remove the email from the file and try again. Email already exists in the specified team | This member is already on your team. Remove the email from the file and try again. Invalid formatting | This email address is not formatted correctly. Fix the formatting and try again. Email does not belong to a LaunchDarkly member | The email address doesn't belong to a LaunchDarkly account member. Invite them to LaunchDarkly, then re-add them to the team. On a `400` response, the `message` field may contain errors specific to this endpoint. Example `400` response: ```json { "code": "invalid_request", "message": "Unable to process file" } ``` Message | Resolution --- | --- Unable to process file | LaunchDarkly could not process the file for an unspecified reason. Review your file for errors and try again. File exceeds 25mb | Break up your file into multiple files of less than 25mbs each. All emails have invalid formatting | None of the email addresses in the file are in the correct format. Fix the formatting and try again. All emails belong to existing team members | All listed members are already on this team. Populate the file with member emails that do not belong to the team and try again. File is empty | The CSV file does not contain any email addresses. Populate the file and try again. No emails belong to members of your LaunchDarkly organization | None of the email addresses belong to members of your LaunchDarkly account. Invite these members to LaunchDarkly, then re-add them to the team.Get team custom roles
Fetch the custom roles that have been assigned to the team. To learn more, read [Managing team permissions](https://docs.launchdarkly.com/home/teams/managing#managing-team-permissions).Get user attribute names
> ### Use contexts instead > > After you have upgraded your LaunchDarkly SDK to use contexts instead of users, you should use [Get context attribute names ](/tag/Contexts#operation/getContextAttributeNames) instead of this endpoint. Get all in-use user attributes in the specified environment. The set of in-use attributes typically consists of all attributes seen within the past 30 days.Find users
> ### Use contexts instead > > After you have upgraded your LaunchDarkly SDK to use contexts instead of users, you should use [Search for context instances](/tag/Contexts#operation/searchContextInstances) instead of this endpoint. Search users in LaunchDarkly based on their last active date, a user attribute filter set, or a search query. An example user attribute filter set is `filter=firstName:Anna,activeTrial:false`. This matches users that have the user attribute `firstName` set to `Anna`, that also have the attribute `activeTrial` set to `false`. To paginate through results, follow the `next` link in the `_links` object. To learn more, read [Representations](/#section/Representations).List users
> ### Use contexts instead > > After you have upgraded your LaunchDarkly SDK to use contexts instead of users, you should use [Search for contexts](/tag/Contexts#operation/searchContexts) instead of this endpoint. List all users in the environment. Includes the total count of users. This is useful for exporting all users in the system for further analysis. Each page displays users up to a set `limit`. The default is 20. To page through, follow the `next` link in the `_links` object. To learn more, read [Representations](/#section/Representations).Get user
> ### Use contexts instead > > After you have upgraded your LaunchDarkly SDK to use contexts instead of users, you should use [Get context instances](/tag/Contexts#operation/getContextInstances) instead of this endpoint. Get a user by key. The `user` object contains all attributes sent in `variation` calls for that key.Delete user
> ### Use contexts instead > > After you have upgraded your LaunchDarkly SDK to use contexts instead of users, you should use [Delete context instances](/tag/Contexts#operation/deleteContextInstances) instead of this endpoint. Delete a user by key.List flag settings for user
Get the current flag settings for a given user. <br /><br />The `_value` is the flag variation that the user receives. The `setting` indicates whether you've explicitly targeted a user to receive a particular variation. For example, if you have turned off a feature flag for a user, this setting will be `false`. The example response indicates that the user `Abbie_Braun` has the `sort.order` flag enabled and the `alternate.page` flag disabled, and that the user has not been explicitly targeted to receive a particular variation.Get flag setting for user
Get a single flag setting for a user by flag key. <br /><br />The `_value` is the flag variation that the user receives. The `setting` indicates whether you've explicitly targeted a user to receive a particular variation. For example, if you have turned off a feature flag for a user, this setting will be `false`. The example response indicates that the user `Abbie_Braun` has the `sort.order` flag enabled.Update flag settings for user
Enable or disable a feature flag for a user based on their key. Omitting the `setting` attribute from the request body, or including a `setting` of `null`, erases the current setting for a user. If you previously patched the flag, and the patch included the user's data, LaunchDarkly continues to use that data. If LaunchDarkly has never encountered the user's key before, it calculates the flag values based on the user key alone.Get expiring dates on flags for user
Get a list of flags for which the given user is scheduled for removal.Update expiring user target for flags
Schedule the specified user for removal from individual targeting on one or more flags. The user must already be individually targeted for each flag. You can add, update, or remove a scheduled removal date. You can only schedule a user for removal on a single variation per flag. Updating an expiring target uses the semantic patch format. To make a semantic patch request, you must append `domain-model=launchdarkly.semanticpatch` to your `Content-Type` header. To learn more, read [Updates using semantic patch](/reference#updates-using-semantic-patch). ### Instructions Semantic patch requests support the following `kind` instructions for updating expiring user targets. <details> <summary>Click to expand instructions for <strong>updating expiring user targets</strong></summary> #### addExpireUserTargetDate Adds a date and time that LaunchDarkly will remove the user from the flag's individual targeting. ##### Parameters * `flagKey`: The flag key * `variationId`: ID of a variation on the flag * `value`: The time, in Unix milliseconds, when LaunchDarkly should remove the user from individual targeting for this flag. #### updateExpireUserTargetDate Updates the date and time that LaunchDarkly will remove the user from the flag's individual targeting. ##### Parameters * `flagKey`: The flag key * `variationId`: ID of a variation on the flag * `value`: The time, in Unix milliseconds, when LaunchDarkly should remove the user from individual targeting for this flag. * `version`: The version of the expiring user target to update. If included, update will fail if version doesn't match current version of the expiring user target. #### removeExpireUserTargetDate Removes the scheduled removal of the user from the flag's individual targeting. The user will remain part of the flag's individual targeting until explicitly removed, or until another removal is scheduled. ##### Parameters * `flagKey`: The flag key * `variationId`: ID of a variation on the flag </details>Generic HTTP Request
Every SaaS integration in Superblocks comes with a built in Generic HTTP Request Action. This is a powerful action you can use to call LaunchDarkly API endpoints not in the Superblocks supported actions.
To use this action simply add the method, path, required query parameters, and body for the desired endpoint.
Learn more about REST requests in Superblocks in our Building REST requests guide.
Generic HTTP Requests use the authentication set up and base URL you've configured for your integration, making it an easy for your team to extend Superblocks Integrations to meet their needs.