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Datadog is a cloud monitoring and observability platform that helps businesses gain insight into the performance, availability, and security of their applications, infrastructure, and systems. Integrate Datadog with Superblocks to create custom internal tools to visualize Datadog metrics in your applications and automate management of Datadog resources like monitors, dashboards, and more.

Setting up Datadog

Create an access token

To get started you'll need a Datadog access token. To create a token:

  1. Log in to Datadog
  2. Go to API keys
  3. Click New Key
  4. Enter a name for your key and click Create
  5. Go to Application keys
  6. Click New Key
  7. Enter a name for your key and click Create
  8. Copy the API Key and the Application Key into the corresponding configuration fields for your integration

Learn more about Datadog API Authentication

Add integration

Once you have an access token, you're ready to set up your Superblocks integration.

  1. In the web app, navigate to the Integrations page
  2. Click on the Datadog tile
  3. Name the integration
  4. Paste your credentials into the relevant fields
  5. Optionally, add more configurations to set credentials for different environments
  6. Click Create

Datadog connected Now you can use Datadog in any Application, Workflow, or Scheduled Job.

Use Datadog in APIs

Once your Datadog integration is created, you can start calling Datadog actions in Superblocks APIs.

Datadog actions are REST requests. To learn more about REST requests in Superblocks, see the Building REST requests guide.

Supported actions

Get a list of Audit Logs events

List endpoint returns events that match a Audit Logs search query. [Results are paginated][1]. Use this endpoint to see your latest Audit Logs events. [1]:

Get items of a Dashboard List

Fetch the dashboard list’s dashboard definitions.

Add Items to a Dashboard List

Add dashboards to an existing dashboard list.

Update items of a dashboard list

Update dashboards of an existing dashboard list.

Delete items from a dashboard list

Delete dashboards from an existing dashboard list.

Get a dashboard list

Fetch an existing dashboard list's definition.

Update a dashboard list

Update the name of a dashboard list.

Delete a dashboard list

Delete a dashboard list.

Get all dashboards

Get all dashboards. **Note**: This query will only return custom created or cloned dashboards. This query will not return preset dashboards.

Get a shared dashboard

Fetch an existing shared dashboard's sharing metadata associated with the specified token.

Update a shared dashboard

Update a shared dashboard associated with the specified token.

Revoke a shared dashboard URL

Revoke the public URL for a dashboard (rendering it private) associated with the specified token.

Get all invitations for a shared dashboard

Describe the invitations that exist for the given shared dashboard (paginated).

Send shared dashboard invitation email

Send emails to specified email addresses containing links to access a given authenticated shared dashboard. Email addresses must already belong to the authenticated shared dashboard's share_list.

Revoke shared dashboard invitations

Revoke previously sent invitation emails and active sessions used to access a given shared dashboard for specific email addresses.

Get a dashboard

Get a dashboard using the specified ID.

Update a dashboard

Update a dashboard using the specified ID.

Delete a dashboard

Delete a dashboard using the specified ID.

Get all downtimes

Get all scheduled downtimes.

Get a downtime

Get downtime detail by `downtime_id`.

Update a downtime

Update a single downtime by `downtime_id`.

Cancel a downtime

Cancel a downtime.

Get all downtimes for a monitor

Get all active downtimes for the specified monitor.

Get a list of all incident services

Get all incident services uploaded for the requesting user's organization. If the `include[users]` query parameter is provided, the included attribute will contain the users related to these incident services.

Get details of an incident service

Get details of an incident service. If the `include[users]` query parameter is provided, the included attribute will contain the users related to these incident services.

Update an existing incident service

Updates an existing incident service. Only provide the attributes which should be updated as this request is a partial update.

Delete an existing incident service

Deletes an existing incident service.

Get a list of all incident teams

Get all incident teams for the requesting user's organization. If the `include[users]` query parameter is provided, the included attribute will contain the users related to these incident teams.

Get details of an incident team

Get details of an incident team. If the `include[users]` query parameter is provided, the included attribute will contain the users related to these incident teams.

Update an existing incident team

Updates an existing incident team. Only provide the attributes which should be updated as this request is a partial update.

Delete an existing incident team

Deletes an existing incident team.

Get a list of incidents

Get all incidents for the user's organization.

Search for incidents

Search for incidents matching a certain query.

Get the details of an incident

Get the details of an incident by `incident_id`.

Update an existing incident

Updates an incident. Provide only the attributes that should be updated as this request is a partial update.

Delete an existing incident

Deletes an existing incident from the users organization.

Get a list of attachments

Get all attachments for a given incident.

Create, update, and delete incident attachments

The bulk update endpoint for creating, updating, and deleting attachments for a given incident.

Get a list of an incident's integration metadata

Get all integration metadata for an incident.

Create an incident integration metadata

Create an incident integration metadata.

Get incident integration metadata details

Get incident integration metadata details.

Update an existing incident integration metadata

Update an existing incident integration metadata.

Delete an incident integration metadata

Delete an incident integration metadata.

Get a list of an incident's todos

Get all todos for an incident.

Create an incident todo

Create an incident todo.

Get incident todo details

Get incident todo details.

Update an incident todo

Update an incident todo.

Delete an incident todo

Delete an incident todo.

Get a list of logs

List endpoint returns logs that match a log search query. [Results are paginated][1]. Use this endpoint to see your latest logs. **If you are considering archiving logs for your organization, consider use of the Datadog archive capabilities instead of the log list API. See [Datadog Logs Archive documentation][2].** [1]: /logs/guide/collect-multiple-logs-with-pagination [2]:

Get an archive

Get a specific archive from your organization.

Update an archive

Update a given archive configuration. **Note**: Using this method updates your archive configuration by **replacing** your current configuration with the new one sent to your Datadog organization.

Delete an archive

Delete a given archive from your organization.

List read roles for an archive

Returns all read roles a given archive is restricted to.

Grant role to an archive

Adds a read role to an archive. ([Roles API](

Revoke role from an archive

Removes a role from an archive. ([Roles API](

Get an index

Get one log index from your organization. This endpoint takes no JSON arguments.

Update an index

Update an index as identified by its name. Returns the Index object passed in the request body when the request is successful. Using the `PUT` method updates your index’s configuration by **replacing** your current configuration with the new one sent to your Datadog organization.

Get a log-based metric

Get a specific log-based metric from your organization.

Update a log-based metric

Update a specific log-based metric from your organization. Returns the log-based metric object from the request body when the request is successful.

Delete a log-based metric

Delete a specific log-based metric from your organization.

Get a pipeline

Get a specific pipeline from your organization. This endpoint takes no JSON arguments.

Update a pipeline

Update a given pipeline configuration to change it’s processors or their order. **Note**: Using this method updates your pipeline configuration by **replacing** your current configuration with the new one sent to your Datadog organization.

Delete a pipeline

Delete a given pipeline from your organization. This endpoint takes no JSON arguments.

List tag configuration by name

Returns the tag configuration for the given metric name.

Create a tag configuration

Create and define a list of queryable tag keys for an existing count/gauge/rate/distribution metric. Optionally, include percentile aggregations on any distribution metric or configure custom aggregations on any count, rate, or gauge metric. Can only be used with application keys of users with the `Manage Tags for Metrics` permission.

Update a tag configuration

Update the tag configuration of a metric or percentile aggregations of a distribution metric or custom aggregations of a count, rate, or gauge metric. Can only be used with application keys from users with the `Manage Tags for Metrics` permission.

Delete a tag configuration

Deletes a metric's tag configuration. Can only be used with application keys from users with the `Manage Tags for Metrics` permission.

Get active metrics list

Get the list of actively reporting metrics from a given time until now.

Get metric metadata

Get metadata about a specific metric.

Edit metric metadata

Edit metadata of a specific metric. Find out more about [supported types](

Search metrics

Search for metrics from the last 24 hours in Datadog.

Get a list of metrics

Returns all metrics that can be configured in the Metrics Summary page or with Metrics without Limits™ (matching additional filters if specified).

Query timeseries points

Query timeseries points.

List tags by metric name

View indexed tag key-value pairs for a given metric name.

List active tags and aggregations

List tags and aggregations that are actively queried on dashboards and monitors for a given metric name.

List distinct metric volumes by metric name

View distinct metrics volumes for the given metric name. Custom metrics generated in-app from other products will return `null` for ingested volumes.

Tag Configuration Cardinality Estimator

Returns the estimated cardinality for a metric with a given tag, percentile and number of aggregations configuration using Metrics without Limits™.

Get all monitor details

Get details about the specified monitor from your organization.

Check if a monitor can be deleted

Check if the given monitors can be deleted.

Monitors group search

Search and filter your monitor groups details.

Monitors search

Search and filter your monitors details.

Get a monitor's details

Get details about the specified monitor from your organization.

Edit a monitor

Edit the specified monitor.

Delete a monitor

Delete the specified monitor

Mute a monitor

Mute the specified monitor.

Unmute a monitor

Unmute the specified monitor.

Validate an existing monitor

Validate the monitor provided in the request.

Get a monitor configuration policy

Get a monitor configuration policy by `policy_id`.

Edit a monitor configuration policy

Edit a monitor configuration policy.

Delete a monitor configuration policy

Delete a monitor configuration policy.

Get all processes

Get all processes for your organization.

Get a RUM application

Get the RUM application with given ID in your organization.

Update a RUM application

Update the RUM application with given ID in your organization.

Delete a RUM application

Delete an existing RUM application in your organization.

Get a list of RUM events

List endpoint returns events that match a RUM search query. [Results are paginated][1]. Use this endpoint to see your latest RUM events. [1]:

Get all SLO corrections

Get all Service Level Objective corrections.

Get an SLO correction for an SLO

Get an SLO correction.

Update an SLO correction

Update the specified SLO correction object.

Delete an SLO correction

Permanently delete the specified SLO correction object.

Get all SLOs

Get a list of service level objective objects for your organization.

Check if SLOs can be safely deleted

Check if an SLO can be safely deleted. For example, assure an SLO can be deleted without disrupting a dashboard.

Search for SLOs

Get a list of service level objective objects for your organization.

Get an SLO's details

Get a service level objective object.

Update an SLO

Update the specified service level objective object.

Delete an SLO

Permanently delete the specified service level objective object. If an SLO is used in a dashboard, the `DELETE /v1/slo/` endpoint returns a 409 conflict error because the SLO is referenced in a dashboard.

Get Corrections For an SLO

Get corrections applied to an SLO

Get an SLO's history

Get a specific SLO’s history, regardless of its SLO type. The detailed history data is structured according to the source data type. For example, metric data is included for event SLOs that use the metric source, and monitor SLO types include the monitor transition history. **Note:** There are different response formats for event based and time based SLOs. Examples of both are shown.

Get a span-based metric

Get a specific span-based metric from your organization.

Update a span-based metric

Update a specific span-based metric from your organization. Returns the span-based metric object from the request body when the request is successful.

Delete a span-based metric

Delete a specific span-based metric from your organization.

Get details of batch

Get a batch's updated details.

Get a private location

Get a Synthetic private location.

Edit a private location

Edit a Synthetic private location.

Delete a private location

Delete a Synthetic private location.

Get the list of all Synthetic tests

Get the list of all Synthetic tests.

Get an API test

Get the detailed configuration associated with a Synthetic API test.

Edit an API test

Edit the configuration of a Synthetic API test.

Get a browser test

Get the detailed configuration (including steps) associated with a Synthetic browser test.

Edit a browser test

Edit the configuration of a Synthetic browser test.

Get a browser test's latest results summaries

Get the last 150 test results summaries for a given Synthetic browser test.

Get a browser test result

Get a specific full result from a given Synthetic browser test.

Get a test configuration

Get the detailed configuration associated with a Synthetic test.

Edit a test

This endpoint is deprecated. To edit a test, use [Edit an API test]( or [Edit a browser test](

Get an API test's latest results summaries

Get the last 150 test results summaries for a given Synthetic API test.

Get an API test result

Get a specific full result from a given Synthetic API test.

Pause or start a test

Pause or start a Synthetic test by changing the status.

Get a global variable

Get the detailed configuration of a global variable.

Edit a global variable

Edit a Synthetic global variable.

Delete a global variable

Delete a Synthetic global variable.

Get Tags

Return a mapping of tags to hosts for your whole infrastructure.

Get host tags

Return the list of tags that apply to a given host.

Add tags to a host

This endpoint allows you to add new tags to a host, optionally specifying where these tags come from.

Update host tags

This endpoint allows you to update/replace all tags in an integration source with those supplied in the request.

Remove host tags

This endpoint allows you to remove all user-assigned tags for a single host.

Get all teams

Get all teams. Can be used to search for teams using the `filter[keyword]` and `filter[me]` query parameters.

Get a team

Get a single team using the team's `id`.

Update a team

Update a team using the team's `id`. If the `team_links` relationship is present, the associated links are updated to be in the order they appear in the array, and any existing team links not present are removed.

Remove a team

Remove a team using the team's `id`.

Get links for a team

Get all links for a given team.

Create a team link

Add a new link to a team.

Get a team link

Get a single link for a team.

Update a team link

Update a team link.

Remove a team link

Remove a link from a team.

Get team memberships

Get a paginated list of members for a team

Add a user to a team

Add a user to a team.

Update a user's membership attributes on a team

Update a user's membership attributes on a team.

Remove a user from a team

Remove a user from a team.

Get permission settings for a team

Get all permission settings for a given team.

Update permission setting for team

Update a team permission setting for a given team.

List all users

Get the list of all users in the organization. This list includes all users even if they are deactivated or unverified.

Get user details

Get a user in the organization specified by the user’s `user_id`.

Update a user

Edit a user. Can only be used with an application key belonging to an administrator user.

Disable a user

Disable a user. Can only be used with an application key belonging to an administrator user.

Get a user invitation

Returns a single user invitation by its UUID.

Get a user organization

Get a user organization. Returns the user information and all organizations joined by this user.

Get a user permissions

Get a user permission set. Returns a list of the user’s permissions granted by the associated user's roles.
and 141 more

Generic HTTP Request

Every SaaS integration in Superblocks comes with a built in Generic HTTP Request Action. This is a powerful action you can use to call Datadog API endpoints not in the Superblocks supported actions.

To use this action simply add the method, path, required query parameters, and body for the desired endpoint.


Learn more about REST requests in Superblocks in our Building REST requests guide.

Generic HTTP Requests use the authentication set up and base URL you've configured for your integration, making it an easy for your team to extend Superblocks Integrations to meet their needs.