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Front App revolutionizes team communication and email management. Integrate Front App with Superblocks to optimize your email workflows, enhance customer support, and streamline team collaboration.

Setting up Front

Create an access token

  1. Login to your Front account
  2. Go to SettingsDevelopers
  3. Go to the API Tokens tab
  4. Click Create API token
  5. Specify an API token name
  6. Specify a token Scope and click Create
  7. Copy the API key to configure your integration's connection

Learn more about Front API Authentication.

Add integration

Once you have an access token, you're ready to set up your Superblocks integration.

  1. In the web app, navigate to the Integrations page
  2. Click on the Front tile
  3. Name the integration
  4. Paste your credentials into the relevant fields
  5. Optionally, add more configurations to set credentials for different environments
  6. Click Create

Front connected Now you can use Front in any Application, Workflow, or Scheduled Job.

Use Front in APIs

Once your Front integration is created, you can start creating steps in Application backend APIs, Workflows, and Scheduled Jobs to call Front API actions. Front actions are REST requests. To learn more about REST requests in Superblocks, see the Building REST requests guide.

Supported actions

List Accounts

List the accounts of the company.

Create account

Create a new account.

Fetch an account

Fetches an account

Update account

Updates an account.

Delete an account

Deletes an account

List account contacts

Lists the contacts associated to an Account

Add contact to Account

Adds a list of contacts to an Account

Remove contact from Account

Removes a list of contacts from an Account

List channels

List the channels of the company.

Get channel

Fetch a channel.

Update Channel

Update a channel.

Create draft

Create a draft message which is the first message of a new conversation.

Receive custom messages

Receive a custom message in Front. This endpoint is available for custom channels **ONLY**.

Create conversation

Send a new message from a channel.

Validate channel

Asynchronously validate a channel

Get comment

Fetches a comment.

List comment mentions

List the teammates mentioned in a comment.

List groups

List the contact groups.

Create group

Create a new contact group in the default team.

Delete group

Delete a contact group.

List contacts in group

List the contacts belonging to the requested group.

Add contacts to group

Add contacts to the requested group.

Remove contacts from group

Remove contacts from the requested group.

List contacts

List the contacts of the company.

Create contact

Create a new contact.

List Contact's custom fields

Lists the custom fields in your company that are application to a Contact.

Merge contacts

Merges the contacts specified into a single contact, deleting the merged-in contacts. If a target contact ID is supplied, the other contacts will be merged into that one. Otherwise, some contact in the contact ID list will be treated as the target contact. Merge conflicts will be resolved in the following ways: * name will prioritize manually-updated and non-private contact names * descriptions will be concatenated and separated by newlines in order from oldest to newest with the (optional) target contact's description first * all handles, groups, links, and notes will be preserved * other conflicts will use the most recently updated contact's value

Get contact

Fetch a contact.

Update a contact

Updates a contact.

Delete a contact

Delete a contact.

List contact conversations

List the conversations for a contact in reverse chronological order (newest first). For more advanced filtering, see the [search endpoint]( > ⚠️ Deprecated field included > > This endpoint returns a deprecated `last_message` field in the top-level conversation bodies listed. Please use the > `_links.related.last_message` field instead.

List conversations

List the conversations in the company in reverse chronological order (most recently updated first). The order will respect your company's [bump settings](, which determine when conversations bump to the top. For more advanced filtering, see the [search endpoint]( > ⚠️ Deprecated field included > > This endpoint returns a deprecated `last_message` field in the top-level conversation bodies listed. Please use the > `_links.related.last_message` field instead.

Create conversation

Create a conversation. > ⚠️ Currently, only discussions can be created with this endpoint.

Search conversations

Search for conversations. Response will include a count of total matches and an array of conversations in descending order by last activity. See the [search syntax documentation]( for usage examples. **Note:** This endpoint is subject to [proportional rate limiting]( at 40% of your company's rate limit. > ⚠️ Deprecated field included > > This endpoint returns a deprecated `last_message` field in the top-level conversation bodies listed. Please use the > `_links.related.last_message` field instead.

Get conversation

Fetch a conversation. > ⚠️ Deprecated field included > > This endpoint returns a deprecated `last_message` field in the main body. Please use the > `_links.related.last_message` field instead.

Update conversation

Update a conversation.

Update conversation assignee

Assign or unassign a conversation.

List conversation comments

List the comments in a conversation in reverse chronological order (newest first).

Create comment

Add a comment to a conversation.

List conversation drafts

List the drafts in a conversation.

Create draft reply

Create a new draft as a reply to the last message in the conversation.

List conversation events

List the events that occured for a conversation in reverse chronological order (newest first). The order will respect your company's [bump settings](, which determine when conversations bump to the top.

List conversation followers

List the teammates following a conversation.

Add conversation followers

Adds teammates to the list of followers of a conversation.

Delete conversation followers

Removes teammates from the list of followers of a conversation.

List conversation inboxes

List the inboxes in which a conversation is listed.

Add conversation link

Adds one or more links to a conversation

Remove conversation links

Removes one or more links to a conversation

List conversation messages

List the messages in a conversation in reverse chronological order (newest first).

Reply to conversation

Reply to a conversation by sending a message and appending it to the conversation.

Update conversation reminders

Snooze or unsnooze a conversation for the provided user. For private conversations, reminders can only be created and edited through the API for teammates that own the conversation. For shared conversations, reminders created and edited through the API are shared for all teammates within the shared inbox(es) that the conversation belongs to.

Add conversation tag

Adds one or more tags to a conversation

Remove conversation tag

Removes one or more tags to a conversation

List Contact's custom fields

Lists the custom fields in your company that are application to a Contact. > ⚠️ Deprecated endpoint > > This endpoint has been deprecated. Please use the fully compatible `GET /contacts/custom_fields` endpoint instead.

Update custom field

Update a custom field. (⚠️ Deprecated)

Download attachment

Download an attachment file.

Delete draft

Delete a draft message.

Edit draft

Edit a draft message.

List events

Lists all the detailed events which occured in the inboxes of the company ordered in reverse chronological order (newest first). Refer to the [Events]( topic for more information, including sorting and filtering. > ⚠️ Deprecated field may be included > > This route return the deprecated `last_message` conversation field for conversations > associated with individual events. Please use the conversation's > `_links.related.last_message` field instead.

Get event

Fetch an event. Refer to the [Events]( topic for more information, including sorting and filtering. > ⚠️ Deprecated field may be included > > This route return the deprecated `last_message` conversation field for conversations > associated with individual events. Please use the conversation's > `_links.related.last_message` field instead.

List inboxes

List the inboxes of the company.

Create inbox

Create an inbox in the default team.

Get inbox

Fetch an inbox.

List inbox channels

List the channels in an inbox.

Create a channel

Create a channel in an inbox.

List inbox conversations

List the conversations in an inbox. For more advanced filtering, see the [search endpoint]( > ⚠️ Deprecated field included > > This endpoint returns a deprecated `last_message` field in the top-level conversation bodies listed. Please use the > `_links.related.last_message` field instead.

Import message

Import a new message in an inbox.

List inbox access

List the teammates with access to an inbox.

Add inbox access

Give access to one or more teammates to an inbox.

Removes inbox access

Remove access of one or more teammates from an inbox.

API Token details

Fetch the details of the API token.

Get message

Fetch a message.

Get message seen status

Get the seen receipts for the given message. If no seen-by information is available, there will be a single entry for the first time the message was seen by any recipient. If seen-by information is available, there will be an entry for each recipient who has seen the message.

Mark message seen

Mark an outbound message from Front as seen. Note, the message seen route should only be called in response to an actual end-user's message-seen action. In accordance with this behavior, the route is rate limited to 10 requests per hour.

Get shift

Fetch a shift.

List shift's teammates

List the teammates assigned to a shift.

Add teammates to shift

Add teammates to a shift. The selected teammates must be in the team that owns the shift.

Remove teammates from shift

Remove teammates from a shift.

List Shifts

List the shifts.

Create shift

Create a shift.

Update shift

Update a shift.

Get signatures

Get the given signature.

Update signature

Update signature

Delete signature

Delete signature

List tags

List all the tags of the company that the API token has access to, whether they be company tags, team tags, or teammate tags.

Create tag

Create a tag in the oldest team. This is a legacy endpoint. Use the Create company tag, Create team tag, or Create teammate tag endpoints instead.

Get tag

Fetch a tag.

Update a tag

Update a tag.

Delete tag

Delete a tag.

List tag children

List the children of a specific tag.

Create child tag

Creates a child tag.

List tagged conversations

List the conversations tagged with a tag. For more advanced filtering, see the [search endpoint]( > ⚠️ Deprecated field included > > This endpoint returns a deprecated `last_message` field in the top-level conversation bodies listed. Please use the > `_links.related.last_message` field instead.

List teammates

List the teammates in the company.

Get teammate

Fetch a teammate.

Update teammate

Update a teammate.

List teammate channels

List the channels of a teammate.

List teammate groups

List the contact groups belonging to the requested teammate.

Create teammate group

Create a new contact group for the requested teammate.

List teammate contacts

List the contacts of a teammate.

Create teammate contact

Create a contact for a teammate.

List assigned conversations

List the conversations assigned to a teammate in reverse chronological order (most recently updated first). For more advanced filtering, see the [search endpoint]( > ⚠️ Deprecated field included > > This endpoint returns a deprecated `last_message` field in the top-level conversation bodies listed. Please use the > `_links.related.last_message` field instead.

List teammate inboxes

Returns list of inboxes the teammate has access to.

List teammate message templates

List the message templates belonging to the requested teammate.

Create teammate message template

Create a new message template for the given teammate

List Teammate Shifts

Lists all the shifts for the teammate.

List teammate signatures

List the signatures belonging to the given teammate.

Create teammate signature

Create a new signature for the given teammate

List teammate tags

List the tags for a teammate.

Create teammate tag

Create a tag for a teammate.

List teams

List the teams in the company.

Get team

Fetch a team.

List team channels

List the channels of a team.

List team groups

List contact groups belonging to the requested team.

Create team group

Create a new contact group for the requested team.

List team contacts

List the contacts of a team.

Create team contact

Create a contact for a team.

List team inboxes

List the inboxes belonging to a team.

Create team inbox

Create an inbox for a team.

List team message templates

List the message templates belonging to the requested team.

Create team message template

Create a new message template for the given team

List team Shifts

List the shifts for a team.

Create team shift

Create a shift for a team.

Add teammates to team

Add one or more teammates to a team.

Remove teammates from team

Remove one or more teammates from a team.
and 109 more

Generic HTTP Request

Every SaaS integration in Superblocks comes with a built in Generic HTTP Request Action. This is a powerful action you can use to call Front API endpoints not in the Superblocks supported actions.

To use this action simply add the method, path, required query parameters, and body for the desired endpoint.


Learn more about REST requests in Superblocks in our Building REST requests guide.

Generic HTTP Requests use the authentication set up and base URL you've configured for your integration, making it an easy for your team to extend Superblocks Integrations to meet their needs.