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GitHub, the leading platform for version control and collaboration, revolutionizes software development. Integrate GitHub with Superblocks to elevate your development process and collaboration capabilities. Effortlessly manage repositories, streamline code reviews, and manage releases to accelerate your team's productivity.

Setting up GitHub

Create an access token

To get started you'll need a GitHub access token. GitHub has many authentication options. The fastest way to get started is using a Personal Access Token (PAT). To create a token:

  1. Log in to GitHub
  2. Navigate to SettingsDeveloper SettingsPersonal access tokens
  3. Click Generate new token
  4. Name your token and configure access & permissions
  5. Click Generate token
  6. Copy the API key to configure your integration's connection

Learn more about GitHub API Authentication

Add integration

Once you have an access token, you're ready to set up your Superblocks integration.

  1. In the web app, navigate to the Integrations page
  2. Click on the GitHub tile
  3. Name the integration
  4. Paste your credentials into the relevant fields
  5. Optionally, add more configurations to set credentials for different environments
  6. Click Create

GitHub connected Now you can use GitHub in any Application, Workflow, or Scheduled Job.

Use GitHub in APIs

Once your GitHub integration is created, you can start creating steps in Application backend APIs, Workflows, and Scheduled Jobs to call GitHub API actions. GitHub actions are REST requests. To learn more about REST requests in Superblocks, see the Building REST requests guide.

Supported actions

Search repositories

Find repositories via various criteria. This method returns up to 100 results [per page]( When searching for repositories, you can get text match metadata for the **name** and **description** fields when you pass the `text-match` media type. For more details about how to receive highlighted search results, see [Text match metadata]( For example, if you want to search for popular Tetris repositories written in assembly code, your query might look like this: `q=tetris+language:assembly&sort=stars&order=desc` This query searches for repositories with the word `tetris` in the name, the description, or the README. The results are limited to repositories where the primary language is assembly. The results are sorted by stars in descending order, so that the most popular repositories appear first in the search results.

List org repositories

Lists repositories for the specified organization. **Note:** In order to see the `security_and_analysis` block for a repository you must have admin permissions for the repository or be an owner or security manager for the organization that owns the repository. For more information, see "[Managing security managers in your organization]("

Create an org repository

Creates a new repository in the specified organization. The authenticated user must be a member of the organization. **OAuth scope requirements** When using [OAuth](, authorizations must include: * `public_repo` scope or `repo` scope to create a public repository. Note: For GitHub AE, use `repo` scope to create an internal repository. * `repo` scope to create a private repository

Get a repository

The `parent` and `source` objects are present when the repository is a fork. `parent` is the repository this repository was forked from, `source` is the ultimate source for the network. **Note:** In order to see the `security_and_analysis` block for a repository you must have admin permissions for the repository or be an owner or security manager for the organization that owns the repository. For more information, see "[Managing security managers in your organization]("

List repository activities

Lists a detailed history of changes to a repository, such as pushes, merges, force pushes, and branch changes, and associates these changes with commits and users. For more information about viewing repository activity, see "[Viewing repository activity]("

Search code

Searches for query terms inside of a file. This method returns up to 100 results [per page]( When searching for code, you can get text match metadata for the file **content** and file **path** fields when you pass the `text-match` media type. For more details about how to receive highlighted search results, see [Text match metadata]( For example, if you want to find the definition of the `addClass` function inside [jQuery]( repository, your query would look something like this: `q=addClass+in:file+language:js+repo:jquery/jquery` This query searches for the keyword `addClass` within a file's contents. The query limits the search to files where the language is JavaScript in the `jquery/jquery` repository. Considerations for code search: Due to the complexity of searching code, there are a few restrictions on how searches are performed: * Only the _default branch_ is considered. In most cases, this will be the `master` branch. * Only files smaller than 384 KB are searchable. * You must always include at least one search term when searching source code. For example, searching for [`language:go`]( is not valid, while [`amazing language:go`]( is. This endpoint requires you to authenticate and limits you to 10 requests per minute.

List branches

Get a branch

Rename a branch

Renames a branch in a repository. **Note:** Although the API responds immediately, the branch rename process might take some extra time to complete in the background. You won't be able to push to the old branch name while the rename process is in progress. For more information, see "[Renaming a branch](". The permissions required to use this endpoint depends on whether you are renaming the default branch. To rename a non-default branch: * Users must have push access. * GitHub Apps must have the `contents:write` repository permission. To rename the default branch: * Users must have admin or owner permissions. * GitHub Apps must have the `administration:write` repository permission.

Get repository content

Gets the contents of a file or directory in a repository. Specify the file path or directory in `:path`. If you omit `:path`, you will receive the contents of the repository's root directory. See the description below regarding what the API response includes for directories. Files and symlinks support [a custom media type]( for retrieving the raw content or rendered HTML (when supported). All content types support [a custom media type]( to ensure the content is returned in a consistent object format. **Notes**: * To get a repository's contents recursively, you can [recursively get the tree]( * This API has an upper limit of 1,000 files for a directory. If you need to retrieve more files, use the [Git Trees API]( * Download URLs expire and are meant to be used just once. To ensure the download URL does not expire, please use the contents API to obtain a fresh download URL for each download. Size limits: If the requested file's size is: * 1 MB or smaller: All features of this endpoint are supported. * Between 1-100 MB: Only the `raw` or `object` [custom media types]( are supported. Both will work as normal, except that when using the `object` media type, the `content` field will be an empty string and the `encoding` field will be `"none"`. To get the contents of these larger files, use the `raw` media type. * Greater than 100 MB: This endpoint is not supported. If the content is a directory: The response will be an array of objects, one object for each item in the directory. When listing the contents of a directory, submodules have their "type" specified as "file". Logically, the value _should_ be "submodule". This behavior exists in API v3 [for backwards compatibility purposes]( In the next major version of the API, the type will be returned as "submodule". If the content is a symlink: If the requested `:path` points to a symlink, and the symlink's target is a normal file in the repository, then the API responds with the content of the file (in the format shown in the example. Otherwise, the API responds with an object describing the symlink itself. If the content is a submodule: The `submodule_git_url` identifies the location of the submodule repository, and the `sha` identifies a specific commit within the submodule repository. Git uses the given URL when cloning the submodule repository, and checks out the submodule at that specific commit. If the submodule repository is not hosted on, the Git URLs (`git_url` and `_links["git"]`) and the URLs (`html_url` and `_links["html"]`) will have null values.

Create or update file contents

Creates a new file or replaces an existing file in a repository. You must authenticate using an access token with the `workflow` scope to use this endpoint. **Note:** If you use this endpoint and the "[Delete a file](" endpoint in parallel, the concurrent requests will conflict and you will receive errors. You must use these endpoints serially instead.

Delete a file

Deletes a file in a repository. You can provide an additional `committer` parameter, which is an object containing information about the committer. Or, you can provide an `author` parameter, which is an object containing information about the author. The `author` section is optional and is filled in with the `committer` information if omitted. If the `committer` information is omitted, the authenticated user's information is used. You must provide values for both `name` and `email`, whether you choose to use `author` or `committer`. Otherwise, you'll receive a `422` status code. **Note:** If you use this endpoint and the "[Create or update file contents](" endpoint in parallel, the concurrent requests will conflict and you will receive errors. You must use these endpoints serially instead.

Search commits

Find commits via various criteria on the default branch (usually `main`). This method returns up to 100 results [per page]( When searching for commits, you can get text match metadata for the **message** field when you provide the `text-match` media type. For more details about how to receive highlighted search results, see [Text match metadata]( For example, if you want to find commits related to CSS in the [octocat/Spoon-Knife]( repository. Your query would look something like this: `q=repo:octocat/Spoon-Knife+css`

List commits

**Signature verification object** The response will include a `verification` object that describes the result of verifying the commit's signature. The following fields are included in the `verification` object: | Name | Type | Description | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | | `verified` | `boolean` | Indicates whether GitHub considers the signature in this commit to be verified. | | `reason` | `string` | The reason for verified value. Possible values and their meanings are enumerated in table below. | | `signature` | `string` | The signature that was extracted from the commit. | | `payload` | `string` | The value that was signed. | These are the possible values for `reason` in the `verification` object: | Value | Description | | ----- | ----------- | | `expired_key` | The key that made the signature is expired. | | `not_signing_key` | The "signing" flag is not among the usage flags in the GPG key that made the signature. | | `gpgverify_error` | There was an error communicating with the signature verification service. | | `gpgverify_unavailable` | The signature verification service is currently unavailable. | | `unsigned` | The object does not include a signature. | | `unknown_signature_type` | A non-PGP signature was found in the commit. | | `no_user` | No user was associated with the `committer` email address in the commit. | | `unverified_email` | The `committer` email address in the commit was associated with a user, but the email address is not verified on their account. | | `bad_email` | The `committer` email address in the commit is not included in the identities of the PGP key that made the signature. | | `unknown_key` | The key that made the signature has not been registered with any user's account. | | `malformed_signature` | There was an error parsing the signature. | | `invalid` | The signature could not be cryptographically verified using the key whose key-id was found in the signature. | | `valid` | None of the above errors applied, so the signature is considered to be verified. |

Get a commit

Returns the contents of a single commit reference. You must have `read` access for the repository to use this endpoint. **Note:** If there are more than 300 files in the commit diff, the response will include pagination link headers for the remaining files, up to a limit of 3000 files. Each page contains the static commit information, and the only changes are to the file listing. You can pass the appropriate [media type]( to fetch `diff` and `patch` formats. Diffs with binary data will have no `patch` property. To return only the SHA-1 hash of the commit reference, you can provide the `sha` custom [media type]( in the `Accept` header. You can use this endpoint to check if a remote reference's SHA-1 hash is the same as your local reference's SHA-1 hash by providing the local SHA-1 reference as the ETag. **Signature verification object** The response will include a `verification` object that describes the result of verifying the commit's signature. The following fields are included in the `verification` object: | Name | Type | Description | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | | `verified` | `boolean` | Indicates whether GitHub considers the signature in this commit to be verified. | | `reason` | `string` | The reason for verified value. Possible values and their meanings are enumerated in table below. | | `signature` | `string` | The signature that was extracted from the commit. | | `payload` | `string` | The value that was signed. | These are the possible values for `reason` in the `verification` object: | Value | Description | | ----- | ----------- | | `expired_key` | The key that made the signature is expired. | | `not_signing_key` | The "signing" flag is not among the usage flags in the GPG key that made the signature. | | `gpgverify_error` | There was an error communicating with the signature verification service. | | `gpgverify_unavailable` | The signature verification service is currently unavailable. | | `unsigned` | The object does not include a signature. | | `unknown_signature_type` | A non-PGP signature was found in the commit. | | `no_user` | No user was associated with the `committer` email address in the commit. | | `unverified_email` | The `committer` email address in the commit was associated with a user, but the email address is not verified on their account. | | `bad_email` | The `committer` email address in the commit is not included in the identities of the PGP key that made the signature. | | `unknown_key` | The key that made the signature has not been registered with any user's account. | | `malformed_signature` | There was an error parsing the signature. | | `invalid` | The signature could not be cryptographically verified using the key whose key-id was found in the signature. | | `valid` | None of the above errors applied, so the signature is considered to be verified. |

Get status of a commit

Users with pull access in a repository can access a combined view of commit statuses for a given ref. The ref can be a SHA, a branch name, or a tag name. Additionally, a combined `state` is returned. The `state` is one of: * **failure** if any of the contexts report as `error` or `failure` * **pending** if there are no statuses or a context is `pending` * **success** if the latest status for all contexts is `success`

List commit statuses

Users with pull access in a repository can view commit statuses for a given ref. The ref can be a SHA, a branch name, or a tag name. Statuses are returned in reverse chronological order. The first status in the list will be the latest one. This resource is also available via a legacy route: `GET /repos/:owner/:repo/statuses/:ref`.

List PRs

Draft pull requests are available in public repositories with GitHub Free and GitHub Free for organizations, GitHub Pro, and legacy per-repository billing plans, and in public and private repositories with GitHub Team and GitHub Enterprise Cloud. For more information, see [GitHub's products]( in the GitHub Help documentation.

Create a PR

Draft pull requests are available in public repositories with GitHub Free and GitHub Free for organizations, GitHub Pro, and legacy per-repository billing plans, and in public and private repositories with GitHub Team and GitHub Enterprise Cloud. For more information, see [GitHub's products]( in the GitHub Help documentation. To open or update a pull request in a public repository, you must have write access to the head or the source branch. For organization-owned repositories, you must be a member of the organization that owns the repository to open or update a pull request. This endpoint triggers [notifications]( Creating content too quickly using this endpoint may result in secondary rate limiting. See "[Secondary rate limits](" and "[Dealing with secondary rate limits](" for details.

Get a PR

Draft pull requests are available in public repositories with GitHub Free and GitHub Free for organizations, GitHub Pro, and legacy per-repository billing plans, and in public and private repositories with GitHub Team and GitHub Enterprise Cloud. For more information, see [GitHub's products]( in the GitHub Help documentation. Lists details of a pull request by providing its number. When you get, [create](, or [edit]( a pull request, GitHub creates a merge commit to test whether the pull request can be automatically merged into the base branch. This test commit is not added to the base branch or the head branch. You can review the status of the test commit using the `mergeable` key. For more information, see "[Checking mergeability of pull requests](". The value of the `mergeable` attribute can be `true`, `false`, or `null`. If the value is `null`, then GitHub has started a background job to compute the mergeability. After giving the job time to complete, resubmit the request. When the job finishes, you will see a non-`null` value for the `mergeable` attribute in the response. If `mergeable` is `true`, then `merge_commit_sha` will be the SHA of the _test_ merge commit. The value of the `merge_commit_sha` attribute changes depending on the state of the pull request. Before merging a pull request, the `merge_commit_sha` attribute holds the SHA of the _test_ merge commit. After merging a pull request, the `merge_commit_sha` attribute changes depending on how you merged the pull request: * If merged as a [merge commit](, `merge_commit_sha` represents the SHA of the merge commit. * If merged via a [squash](, `merge_commit_sha` represents the SHA of the squashed commit on the base branch. * If [rebased](, `merge_commit_sha` represents the commit that the base branch was updated to. Pass the appropriate [media type]( to fetch diff and patch formats.

Update a PR

Draft pull requests are available in public repositories with GitHub Free and GitHub Free for organizations, GitHub Pro, and legacy per-repository billing plans, and in public and private repositories with GitHub Team and GitHub Enterprise Cloud. For more information, see [GitHub's products]( in the GitHub Help documentation. To open or update a pull request in a public repository, you must have write access to the head or the source branch. For organization-owned repositories, you must be a member of the organization that owns the repository to open or update a pull request.

List commits on a PR

Lists a maximum of 250 commits for a pull request. To receive a complete commit list for pull requests with more than 250 commits, use the [List commits]( endpoint.

List PR files

**Note:** Responses include a maximum of 3000 files. The paginated response returns 30 files per page by default.

Get requested reviewers

Gets the users or teams whose review is requested for a pull request. Once a requested reviewer submits a review, they are no longer considered a requested reviewer. Their review will instead be returned by the [List reviews for a pull request]( operation.

Request reviewers

Requests reviews for a pull request from a given set of users and/or teams. This endpoint triggers [notifications]( Creating content too quickly using this endpoint may result in secondary rate limiting. See "[Secondary rate limits](" and "[Dealing with secondary rate limits](" for details.

Remove requested reviewers

Removes review requests from a pull request for a given set of users and/or teams.

List reviews for a PR

The list of reviews returns in chronological order.

Create a review for a PR

This endpoint triggers [notifications]( Creating content too quickly using this endpoint may result in secondary rate limiting. See "[Secondary rate limits](" and "[Dealing with secondary rate limits](" for details. Pull request reviews created in the `PENDING` state are not submitted and therefore do not include the `submitted_at` property in the response. To create a pending review for a pull request, leave the `event` parameter blank. For more information about submitting a `PENDING` review, see "[Submit a review for a pull request](" **Note:** To comment on a specific line in a file, you need to first determine the _position_ of that line in the diff. The GitHub REST API offers the `application/vnd.github.v3.diff` [media type]( To see a pull request diff, add this media type to the `Accept` header of a call to the [single pull request]( endpoint. The `position` value equals the number of lines down from the first "@@" hunk header in the file you want to add a comment. The line just below the "@@" line is position 1, the next line is position 2, and so on. The position in the diff continues to increase through lines of whitespace and additional hunks until the beginning of a new file.

Get PR review by ID

Retrieves a pull request review by its ID.

Search issues and PRs

Find issues by state and keyword. This method returns up to 100 results [per page]( When searching for issues, you can get text match metadata for the issue **title**, issue **body**, and issue **comment body** fields when you pass the `text-match` media type. For more details about how to receive highlighted search results, see [Text match metadata]( For example, if you want to find the oldest unresolved Python bugs on Windows. Your query might look something like this. `q=windows+label:bug+language:python+state:open&sort=created&order=asc` This query searches for the keyword `windows`, within any open issue that is labeled as `bug`. The search runs across repositories whose primary language is Python. The results are sorted by creation date in ascending order, which means the oldest issues appear first in the search results. **Note:** For requests made by GitHub Apps with a user access token, you can't retrieve a combination of issues and pull requests in a single query. Requests that don't include the `is:issue` or `is:pull-request` qualifier will receive an HTTP `422 Unprocessable Entity` response. To get results for both issues and pull requests, you must send separate queries for issues and pull requests. For more information about the `is` qualifier, see "[Searching only issues or pull requests]("

List repository issues

List issues in a repository. Only open issues will be listed. **Note**: GitHub's REST API considers every pull request an issue, but not every issue is a pull request. For this reason, "Issues" endpoints may return both issues and pull requests in the response. You can identify pull requests by the `pull_request` key. Be aware that the `id` of a pull request returned from "Issues" endpoints will be an _issue id_. To find out the pull request id, use the "[List pull requests](" endpoint.

Create an issue

Any user with pull access to a repository can create an issue. If [issues are disabled in the repository](, the API returns a `410 Gone` status. This endpoint triggers [notifications]( Creating content too quickly using this endpoint may result in secondary rate limiting. See "[Secondary rate limits](" and "[Dealing with secondary rate limits](" for details.

Get an issue

The API returns a [`301 Moved Permanently` status]( if the issue was [transferred]( to another repository. If the issue was transferred to or deleted from a repository where the authenticated user lacks read access, the API returns a `404 Not Found` status. If the issue was deleted from a repository where the authenticated user has read access, the API returns a `410 Gone` status. To receive webhook events for transferred and deleted issues, subscribe to the [`issues`]( webhook. **Note**: GitHub's REST API considers every pull request an issue, but not every issue is a pull request. For this reason, "Issues" endpoints may return both issues and pull requests in the response. You can identify pull requests by the `pull_request` key. Be aware that the `id` of a pull request returned from "Issues" endpoints will be an _issue id_. To find out the pull request id, use the "[List pull requests](" endpoint.

Update an issue

Issue owners and users with push access can edit an issue.

Add assignees to an issue

Adds up to 10 assignees to an issue. Users already assigned to an issue are not replaced.

Remove assignees from an issue

Removes one or more assignees from an issue.

List releases

This returns a list of releases, which does not include regular Git tags that have not been associated with a release. To get a list of Git tags, use the [Repository Tags API]( Information about published releases are available to everyone. Only users with push access will receive listings for draft releases.

Create a release

Users with push access to the repository can create a release. This endpoint triggers [notifications]( Creating content too quickly using this endpoint may result in secondary rate limiting. See "[Secondary rate limits](" and "[Dealing with secondary rate limits](" for details.

Get the latest release

View the latest published full release for the repository. The latest release is the most recent non-prerelease, non-draft release, sorted by the `created_at` attribute. The `created_at` attribute is the date of the commit used for the release, and not the date when the release was drafted or published.

Get a release by tag name

Get a published release with the specified tag.

Get a release by ID

**Note:** This returns an `upload_url` key corresponding to the endpoint for uploading release assets. This key is a [hypermedia resource](

Update a release

Users with push access to the repository can edit a release.

Delete a release

Users with push access to the repository can delete a release.

Generate release notes

Generate a name and body describing a [release]( The body content will be markdown formatted and contain information like the changes since last release and users who contributed. The generated release notes are not saved anywhere. They are intended to be generated and used when creating a new release.

Get a release asset

To download the asset's binary content, set the `Accept` header of the request to [`application/octet-stream`]( The API will either redirect the client to the location, or stream it directly if possible. API clients should handle both a `200` or `302` response.

List release assets

List organizations

Lists all organizations, in the order that they were created on GitHub. **Note:** Pagination is powered exclusively by the `since` parameter. Use the [Link header]( to get the URL for the next page of organizations.

Get an organization

To see many of the organization response values, you need to be an authenticated organization owner with the `admin:org` scope. When the value of `two_factor_requirement_enabled` is `true`, the organization requires all members, billing managers, and outside collaborators to enable [two-factor authentication]( GitHub Apps with the `Organization plan` permission can use this endpoint to retrieve information about an organization's GitHub plan. See "[Authenticating with GitHub Apps](" for details. For an example response, see 'Response with GitHub plan information' below."

List organization members

List all users who are members of an organization. If the authenticated user is also a member of this organization then both concealed and public members will be returned.

Search users

Find users via various criteria. This method returns up to 100 results [per page]( When searching for users, you can get text match metadata for the issue **login**, public **email**, and **name** fields when you pass the `text-match` media type. For more details about highlighting search results, see [Text match metadata]( For more details about how to receive highlighted search results, see [Text match metadata]( For example, if you're looking for a list of popular users, you might try this query: `q=tom+repos:%3E42+followers:%3E1000` This query searches for users with the name `tom`. The results are restricted to users with more than 42 repositories and over 1,000 followers. This endpoint does not accept authentication and will only include publicly visible users. As an alternative, you can use the GraphQL API. The GraphQL API requires authentication and will return private users, including Enterprise Managed Users (EMUs), that you are authorized to view. For more information, see "[GraphQL Queries]("

List users

Lists all users, in the order that they signed up on GitHub. This list includes personal user accounts and organization accounts. Note: Pagination is powered exclusively by the `since` parameter. Use the [Link header]( to get the URL for the next page of users.

List organizations for a user

List [public organization memberships]( for the specified user. This method only lists _public_ memberships, regardless of authentication. If you need to fetch all of the organization memberships (public and private) for the authenticated user, use the [List organizations for the authenticated user]( API instead.

List repositories for a user

Lists public repositories for the specified user. Note: For GitHub AE, this endpoint will list internal repositories for the specified user.

List org Dependabot alerts

Lists Dependabot alerts for an organization. To use this endpoint, you must be an owner or security manager for the organization, and you must use an access token with the `repo` scope or `security_events` scope. For public repositories, you may instead use the `public_repo` scope. GitHub Apps must have **Dependabot alerts** read permission to use this endpoint.

List repo Dependabot alerts

You must use an access token with the `security_events` scope to use this endpoint with private repositories. You can also use tokens with the `public_repo` scope for public repositories only. GitHub Apps must have **Dependabot alerts** read permission to use this endpoint.

Get a Dependabot alert

You must use an access token with the `security_events` scope to use this endpoint with private repositories. You can also use tokens with the `public_repo` scope for public repositories only. GitHub Apps must have **Dependabot alerts** read permission to use this endpoint.

Update a Dependabot alert

You must use an access token with the `security_events` scope to use this endpoint with private repositories. You can also use tokens with the `public_repo` scope for public repositories only. GitHub Apps must have **Dependabot alerts** write permission to use this endpoint. To use this endpoint, you must have access to security alerts for the repository. For more information, see "[Granting access to security alerts]("

List org secret scanning alerts

Lists secret scanning alerts for eligible repositories in an organization, from newest to oldest. To use this endpoint, you must be an administrator or security manager for the organization, and you must use an access token with the `repo` scope or `security_events` scope. For public repositories, you may instead use the `public_repo` scope. GitHub Apps must have the `secret_scanning_alerts` read permission to use this endpoint.

List repo secret scanning alerts

Lists secret scanning alerts for an eligible repository, from newest to oldest. To use this endpoint, you must be an administrator for the repository or for the organization that owns the repository, and you must use a personal access token with the `repo` scope or `security_events` scope. For public repositories, you may instead use the `public_repo` scope. GitHub Apps must have the `secret_scanning_alerts` read permission to use this endpoint.

Get a secret scanning alert

Gets a single secret scanning alert detected in an eligible repository. To use this endpoint, you must be an administrator for the repository or for the organization that owns the repository, and you must use a personal access token with the `repo` scope or `security_events` scope. For public repositories, you may instead use the `public_repo` scope. GitHub Apps must have the `secret_scanning_alerts` read permission to use this endpoint.

Update a secret scanning alert

Updates the status of a secret scanning alert in an eligible repository. To use this endpoint, you must be an administrator for the repository or for the organization that owns the repository, and you must use a personal access token with the `repo` scope or `security_events` scope. For public repositories, you may instead use the `public_repo` scope. GitHub Apps must have the `secret_scanning_alerts` write permission to use this endpoint.

List locations for a secret scanning alert

Lists all locations for a given secret scanning alert for an eligible repository. To use this endpoint, you must be an administrator for the repository or for the organization that owns the repository, and you must use a personal access token with the `repo` scope or `security_events` scope. For public repositories, you may instead use the `public_repo` scope. GitHub Apps must have the `secret_scanning_alerts` read permission to use this endpoint.

List repo security advisories

Lists security advisories in a repository. You must authenticate using an access token with the `repo` scope or `repository_advisories:read` permission in order to get published security advisories in a private repository, or any unpublished security advisories that you have access to. You can access unpublished security advisories from a repository if you are a security manager or administrator of that repository, or if you are a collaborator on any security advisory.

Create a security advisory

Creates a new repository security advisory. You must authenticate using an access token with the `repo` scope or `repository_advisories:write` permission to use this endpoint. In order to create a draft repository security advisory, you must be a security manager or administrator of that repository.

Get a repo security advisory

Get a repository security advisory using its GitHub Security Advisory (GHSA) identifier. You can access any published security advisory on a public repository. You must authenticate using an access token with the `repo` scope or `repository_advisories:read` permission in order to get a published security advisory in a private repository, or any unpublished security advisory that you have access to. You can access an unpublished security advisory from a repository if you are a security manager or administrator of that repository, or if you are a collaborator on the security advisory.

Update a repo security advisory

Update a repository security advisory using its GitHub Security Advisory (GHSA) identifier. You must authenticate using an access token with the `repo` scope or `repository_advisories:write` permission to use this endpoint. In order to update any security advisory, you must be a security manager or administrator of that repository, or a collaborator on the repository security advisory.

List org code scanning alerts

Lists code scanning alerts for the default branch for all eligible repositories in an organization. Eligible repositories are repositories that are owned by organizations that you own or for which you are a security manager. For more information, see "[Managing security managers in your organization](" To use this endpoint, you must be an owner or security manager for the organization, and you must use an access token with the `repo` scope or `security_events` scope. For public repositories, you may instead use the `public_repo` scope. GitHub Apps must have the `security_events` read permission to use this endpoint.
and 52 more

Generic HTTP Request

Every SaaS integration in Superblocks comes with a built in Generic HTTP Request Action. This is a powerful action you can use to call GitHub API endpoints not in the Superblocks supported actions.

To use this action simply add the method, path, required query parameters, and body for the desired endpoint.


Learn more about REST requests in Superblocks in our Building REST requests guide.

Generic HTTP Requests use the authentication set up and base URL you've configured for your integration, making it an easy for your team to extend Superblocks Integrations to meet their needs.