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Embed videos in your internal apps

Adding videos is as simple as dragging on a video component and adding the video URL. For example, you can add a video to help onboard users to your app.

Drag a video component on to the canvas and update its properties within the properties panel

You can also trigger an action like running an API or opening a slideout when the video is played, paused, or when it ends.

Trigger an event handler when a video plays, pauses, or ends.

Video Properties

Component Properties

URLSet the URL of the video and it will automatically render
Auto PlayAutomatically plays the video when it loads
VisibleControls the visibility of the component
Loading AnimationWhether code editor should show loading animation when a dependent API is running, values are a boolean

Reference Properties

Properties can be accessed from other frontend components and backend APIs by adding the name of the Video component, and dot referencing the property. For a Video component named Video1:

Video1.playStateReturns the play state of the video
Video1.autoPlayReturns the boolean value of the component's Auto Play property (True, if it is enabled)
Video1.urlReturns the URL property as a string


The following events are triggered by user interactions with Video components. Use event handlers to trigger actions in response to user events.

onPlayTriggers an action when the video is played
onPauseTriggers an action when the video is paused
onEndTriggers an action when the video ends