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A component that allows you to group and organize many components together.

Container Properties

Component Properties

LayoutSet layout system for components in container
PaddingControls padding
WidthControls the width of the component
HeightControls the height of the component
Scroll contentsEnable scrollability within the container component
VisibleControls the visibility of the component, values are a boolean
Collapse when invisibleControls what happens when the component is invisible. When true, other components shift to fill its space; when false, it leaves a blank space. This has no effect in edit mode.
Container styleApplies padding, border, and background styles inherited from the theme
Background ColorChanges the color of the background, takes in HTML color names, HEX, RBG, or RGBA values
BorderControls the border of the component
Border radiusControls the border radius of the component

Reference Properties

Properties can be accessed from other frontend components and backend APIs by adding the name of the Container, and dot referencing the property. For a Container named Container1:

Container1.isVisibleReturns the boolean value of the component's visibility (True, if it is visible)
Container1.backgroundColorReturns a string from the Background Color property

Example Usage:

Reset all child components

Container components can be used to create a parent/child relationship with other components inside the container for easy management. For example, you can leverage the resetComponent() function to reset all child components to their default state.

  1. Create a Container component
  2. Add 4 Input components inside of the Container component and label them "Red", "Green", "Blue", "Opacity", respectively
  3. Set the background color of the Container component to rgba({{Input1.value}}, {{Input2.value}}, {{Input3.value}},{{Input4.value}})
  4. Create a Button component and label it "Reset"
  5. Set onClick to {{resetComponent('Container1', true)}}

Reset child components example
