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The Button component is an interactive element activated by a user’s mouse click. When clicked, it performs a predefined action, such as executing an api, submitting a form, navigating to a URL, and much more!

Button component

Button Properties

Component Properties

LabelSets the label of the button
Button styleChanges the style of the button, options are Primary, Secondary, or Tertiary
IconSelects an icon to be displayed in the dropdown input. If the selected option has its own icon, it will override this icon
Icon positionSets the alignment of the icon
Label text styleChanges the style (font, size, etc.) of the button's text. Configure styles in the Typography settings
Label alignmentSet the horizontal alignment of the button label
Label colorChanges the color of the label
BackgroundChanges the color of the background
BorderControls the Borders of the component
Border radiusControls the border radius of the component
Loading animationDisplay a loading animation if dependent data is loading
VisibleControls the visibility of the component, values are a boolean
PaddingControls padding
WidthControls the width of the button
HeightControls the height of the button
VisibleControls whether the button is visible or not
Collapse when invisibleWhen enabled, other components shift up to occupy the space left by this component. If disabled, the component is hidden but leaves blank space. Has no effect when viewing in edit mode
DisabledDisables user interaction with this component, values are a boolean

Reference Properties

Properties can be accessed from other frontend components and backend APIs by adding the name of the Button component, and dot referencing the property. For a Button named Button1:

Button1.isVisibleReturns the boolean value of the button's visibility (True, if it is visible)
Button1.isDisabledReturns the boolean value of the button's disabled state (True, if it is disabled)
Button1.textReturns the button's label as a string


The following events are triggered by user interactions with Button components. Use event handlers to trigger actions in response to user events.

Table Reference PropertyDescription
onClickTriggers an action when the button is clicked

Example Usage:

Execute an API

  1. Create a backend api using the postgres [Demo] Orders integration found in every Superblocks account.
    select * from orders
  2. Set the OnClick event handler as shown below: Set OnClick event handler
  3. You're done! Once the button is clicked it will execute the api as shown below: Set OnClick event handler

Disable buttons based on other component's state

You can disable the button component based on the state of other component. This allows you to ensure the end user has properly filled out a form before being able to submit the data, for instance. Click on the "Code" button in the Properties Panel for a Button component to be able to use javascript within the component. The following code block is used in the below example:

(function () {
if (
DatePicker1.selectedDate &&
Input1.value &&
) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
Button is disabled until form is filled out
Example of button enabling when form is filled out

Create a dynamic query editor

  1. Add a Code Editor component from the Components panel to the canvas
  2. In the Properties panel, change the Default Value to:
select * from orders
  1. Add a Table component from the Components panel to the canvas
  2. In the Properties panel, change the Table Data to a new API referencing the [Demo] Orders postgres database
  3. In the API step, add the following SQL query:
  1. Add a Button component from the Components panel to the canvas
  2. Update the Button label to "Refresh"
  3. In the onClick section choose Run APIs as Action Type and API1 for APIs (executed in parallel)

Now, when you change the SQL query in the Code Editor and click Refresh, the table will re-populate accordingly!

Dynamic query editor example