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CRUD actions in a table

This guide walks you through the process of building a CRUD application on top of your databases in Superblocks.

Basic CRUD guide using SQL


Note: this guide was written with Postgres syntax in mind. It will work for other SQL databases, but there may need to be slight modifications to the SQL queries to match syntax for the specific database.

Preconfiguration: Create a table (optional)

This section is optional, but will allow those following along to have sample data to work with.

  1. Add a Backend API for your database integration and update the API name to resetTable
  2. Use the following SQL query and run the API to create a table called example_table with sample data:
    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS example_table;
    CREATE TABLE example_table (
    name VARCHAR(50),
    age INT
    INSERT INTO example_table (id, name, age) VALUES
    (1, 'Alice', 25),
    (2, 'Bob', 30),
    (3, 'Charlie', 35);
  3. Click run to create the table, this API will be reused later in the guideAdd a Table to the database with sample data

Read table data

  1. Add a Table component to the frontend of your application by dragging it to the canvas
  2. Update the Table HeaderAdd a Table component and give it a name and header
  3. Add a Backend API for your database integration and update the API name to readTableData
  4. Use the following SQL query and run the API:
    SELECT * FROM example_table ORDER BY id asc
  5. Update the Table Data to {{readTableData.response}} to make the Table read the data returned from the backendCreate an API to select data from the database
  6. Add a Button component to the canvas
  7. Update the Label to Reset Data
  8. Update the Background to red (hex: #F45252)
  9. Add two Run API actions to the onClick Event Handler and set them to run the backend APIs resetData and readTableData in sequenceAdd a button to reset and read data from a database

Add table data

  1. Add a Button component to the canvas
  2. Update the Label to Add Data
  3. Remove the Table's Default Selected Row (not shown)
  4. Add an onClick Event Handler for the Button added in Step 1 and set its action type to Reset Component to Default for the Table component for All Properties
  5. Add another action to the same onCLick event handler and set its type to Set Frontend Variable in order to create a new Temporary Frontend Variable called slideoutTitle, and set the Value to Add data
  6. Add a third action to the same onClick event handler and set its type to Open a New Slideout, rename this slideout editDataAdd a button to reset the Table, set a frontend variable and open a slideout
  7. On the slideout, delete the default Text component at the top and replace it with a Form component
  8. In the Form component, add a Text component and 3 Input components, one for each column in the table
    • Update their Labels to ID, Name, and Age, respectively
    • Update their Data Types to Number, Text, and Number, respectively
    • Update their Default Values to {{}}, {{}}, and {{Table1.selectedRow.age}}, respectively (read more about referencing Table properties)
  9. Update the Text component to {{slideoutTitle.value}}Update the components on the slideout
  10. Add an onClick Event Handler to the Submit button, set its action type to RunJS and paste the following script to the editor:
    if (slideoutTitle.value === "Add data") {
    } else if (slideoutTitle.value === "Update data") {
    } else {
    throw new Error("Unexpected value for slideoutTitle.value");
  11. Add a second action of type Run API to the onClick Event Handler and set it to run the readTableData backend API
  12. Add a third action to the same onClick Event Handler, set its type to RunJS, and paste the following script to the editor:
    if (slideoutTitle.value === "Update data") {
    } else if (slideoutTitle.value === "Add data") {
    } else {
    throw new Error("Unexpected value for slideoutTitle.value");
    Update the Submit component to run javascript and APIs
  13. Add a Backend API for your database integration, update the API name to addData, and use the following SQL query:
    INSERT INTO example_table(id, name, age)
    VALUES ({{Input1.value}}, {{Input2.value}}, {{Input3.value}});
    Create an API to add the data from the slideout to the database

Update table data


Also, see the tutorial on how to use inline editing and bulk updating of SQL data sources.

  1. Add an onRowClicked Event Handler to the Table component, set its action type to Set Frontend Variable, pick slideoutTitle as the Frontend Variable, and set the Value to Update data
  2. Add another action to the same onRowClicked Event Handler, set its type to Open/close Slideout, and pick editData from the list of available slideoutsAdd event handlers to add functionality to update the table on row click
  3. Add a Backend API for your database integration, update the API name to updateData, and use the following SQL query:
    UPDATE example_table
    SET id = '{{Input1.value}}', name = '{{Input2.value}}', age = '{{Input3.value}}'
    WHERE id = '{{}}' AND name = '{{}}' AND age = '{{Table1.selectedRow.age}}';
    Create a backend API to update the data

Delete table data

  1. Add a Backend API for your database integration, update the API name to deleteData, and use the following SQL query:
    DELETE FROM example_table WHERE id = {{}}
  2. Add a new column to the Table
  3. Update the column's name to Delete Row
  4. Update the Column Type to Button
  5. Update the Label to Delete
  6. Update the Button Color to red (hex: #F45252)
  7. Add an onClick Event Handler to the Button, set the action type to Run API, and choose deleteData from the list of available backend APIs
  8. Add another action to the same onClick Event Handler of type Run API, and set it to run the readTableData backend APICreate a backend API to delete the data