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Upgrading the OPA

The latest agent versions are available in the agent GitHub repository. Follow the instructions below to upgrade the agent based on your deployment method.

Bump the version tag on the superblocks_agent_image variable in your agent's Terraform file.

AWS ECS Fargate

superblocks_agent_image = "<VERSION>"

Google Cloud Run

superblocks_agent_image = "<VERSION>"

Upgrading from version 0.x.x to 1.x.x

Agent version 1.x.x is a major upgrade that enables support for Control Blocks. To upgrade from version 0.x.x to 1.x.x, follow the instructions below.

Delete your old deployment and deploy the latest Superblocks Terraform module for AWS or Google Cloud. Note, the version is now "~>1.0".

For the Terraform AWS ECS Fargate deployment, also see the changes in the migration guide here and update any affected variables.

Once deployed, you can check the agent is running at https://<AGENT_HOST_URL>/health.

Upgrading from version < 0.69.0

Agent version 0.69.0 introduced a single container architecture, making it simpler to manage and scale. Specifically, the agent now runs as one container image, The following containers used in versions < 0.69.0 have been removed:


If upgrading from a version below 0.69.0, be sure your agent configuration no longer references these containers and removes any autoscaling associated with them. Your agent configuration should match the latest Docker Compose file or Helm chart, depending on your deployment method.