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Audit Logs


Who can use this feature?

Organization Owners, Admins, Developers and others with the logs:read permission

Search the logs of every user action in your internal Applications, Workflows, and Scheduled Jobs execution history. Use audit logs to quickly identify errors in your Applications, Workflows, and Scheduled Jobs. This is especially useful for Scheduled Jobs / Workflows which typically run in the background.

Audit logging provides full execution history of Applications, Scheduled Jobs and Workflows for compliance and troubleshooting

Logs generated by APIs within an Application are associated with the name <APP_NAME> → <API_NAME>. For example:

example logs from a superblocks application

Audit log fields

DateThe timestamp when the user action occurred.
NameThe name of the Application, Workflow, or Scheduled job that is linked to the user action. This is a clickable link for easy navigation. This field is searchable.
Triggered byThe instance that triggered the user action.
ModeThe mode of the instance, can be deployed or testing.
StatusThe status of the event, can be success, running, or error.
Error messageAny errors thrown during a run of an API will appear here.
Execution timeThe amount of time the API request took to run.