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Google SSO Setup

Superblocks single sign-on (SSO) with Google Workspace lets your team seamlessly authenticate and access Superblocks using their Google credentials. This guide walks through how to configure single sign-on for Superblocks.


To setup SSO for your organization, you'll need:

  • A Google Workspace account
  • Google Workspace administration access
  • A Superblocks organization on the Enterprise plan

Setup Google Workspace

Set up single sign-on for Google by creating either a SAML or OIDC application. For full details, see Google's guides for how to:


For the fastest setup and seamless integration with Superblock's Sign-in with Google experience, create an OAuth2.0 app.

If you plan on using SCIM for user provisioning and group management, create a SAML app. Learn more about Managing users and groups with SCIM.

Create an OAuth app

  1. Log in to Google Cloud and go to the API Console

  2. Select a Google Cloud project or create a new one

  3. Navigate to the APIs & services page from the left side menu

  4. On the left, click Credentials

  5. Click Create Credentials, then select OAuth client ID

  6. Select Web application as the Application type

  7. Configure the following settings for your application

    NameSuperblocks, or a custom name
    Authorized JavaScript origins
    Authorized redirect URIs
  8. Click Create. A modal will open with your OAUth client information. Keep this modal open and go to the section below to determine what info to send to Superblocks.

Create a SAML app

  1. Log in to Google Workspace and go to the Admin Console

  2. Navigate to AppsWeb and mobile apps

  3. Click Add AppAdd custom SAML app

  4. Provide the general information for the integration and click Continue

  5. On the Google Identity Provider details download the IDP metadata file, or copy and save the info to send to Superblocks

  6. Click Continue

  7. Enter the following information into the Service Provider Details

    ACS URL<CompanyName>-SAML
    Entity IDurn:auth0:superblocks-prod:<CompanyName>-SAML
    Name ID formatEMAIL
    Name IDBasic Information > Primary email

    Replace <CompanyName> with your company’s name. Remove all spaces and special characters from the name. If your company name is multiple words, capitalize the first letter of each word.

    For example, the company River Bank Technologies would become RiverBankTechnologies.

  8. Click Continue

  9. Click Add mapping and configure the following user attributes

    Google Directory attributesApp attributes
    Primary emailemail
    First namegivenname
    Last namesurname
  10. Click Finish and continue to send your SAML app info to Superblocks.

Send IDP info to Superblocks

OAuth application

Send the following information to

Client IDThe public identifier for your client located on the General tab of your application.
Client SecretThe secret value shows in the CLIENT SECRETS section. Note: we recommend using a secure transfer mechanism such as `` or similar to send the secret.
Google Workspace domainGoogle Workspace domain name for your organization.
DomainsA list of domain and domain aliases your employees should be able to use when logging in to Superblocks.

SAML application

Send the following information to

Connection NameThe connection name you created above and configured in the ACS URL and Entity ID.
SSO URLThe Identity Provider Single Sign-On URL provided when you created the SAML app.
X509 Signing CertificateThe certificate downloaded from the Identity Provider details
DomainsA list of domain and domain aliases your employees should be able to use when logging into Superblocks.